by Hannes Wessels
Malcolm Horne, a London barrister has written in very blunt terms regarding the planned land-grab in South Africa: “You cannot have land expropriation without compensation. It is illegal under international law. It is contrary to a dozen treaties that South Africa has signed and ratified. As such, it is a principle that is also enshrined in South African domestic law. You cannot change the Constitution, therefore, to make it legal; Treaty law is superior law, it always applies.”
In days gone by I might have drawn some comfort from this warning but I’ve seen too much in my years on the benighted continent to believe points of law, no matter how pertinent and how seemingly binding, will make the slightest bit of difference.
One of the first political discussions I recall being witness to was the aftermath of the Congo carnage following the granting of independence to a lunatic by the name of Patrice Lumumba. The Belgians fled for their lives and the country collapsed into civil war which continues today. Independent rule in Zambia and Tanzania was quickly followed by nationalisation, the denial of property rights and those economies quickly crumbled but mountains of Western largesse poured in, most of which was stolen. Nobody was censured of course, because the liberal socialists running Europe were on their knees saying sorry for being white.
When Mozambique acquired independence in 1975, informed Portuguese citizens expressed optimism; they were sure, Frelimo, the new ruling party under Samora Machel, would not make the same mistake. Well they were dead wrong; he not only made the same mistake, he compounded it; moving expeditiously and sometimes violently to seize all private property. The Portuguese ran for the exits and in six months, a once vibrant economy was in ruins. Again, the world, following Europe’s lead, rewarded this zealot with huge dollops of aid.
When Robert Mugabe took over in Zimbabwe the promising news was that both Samora Machel and Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere had warned their protégé not to make the same mistakes they did; respect property rights and let the Europeans continue to contribute they told him. When Mugabe began threatening white farmers, most ‘connected’ people in the political and farming leadership were sanguine; the word was, it was just bluster and there was little chance of him being that foolish because he was super intelligent we were told, and well knew that dispossessing the farmers would be calamitous for the country. Well laws, international treaties, conventions and economic consequences were brusquely dismissed and in 2000 he did what he was warned not to do; violently evicted 4,000 white farmers, tore up property rights and destroyed his country. He was backed by then South African President Thabo Mbeki and the ruling ANC and most African leaders cheered him on. Mild sanctions were applied and a travel ban on the president and some of his cronies followed. Mugabe, effectively proved, yet again, that politically motivated ‘crimes’, as long as the ostensible victims are white, are permissible and this lesson has been well learned south of the Limpopo.
Cyril Ramaphosa recently came to power, replacing the disastrous Jacob Zuma, on a wave of euphoria. It’s hard to imagine how he could not be a better option but his opening address included an ominous message that most chose to overlook in the hubris of the moment; ‘.. we will seize land without compensation’ he announced. And with that he chose to detonate a political bomb-shell which might well go down in history as the watershed moment when his country set off on the road to ruin. Unsurprisingly the message was very well received by the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) led by Julius Malama who is an increasingly influential figure, loved by many for his venomous anti-white rantings and a man who drives his fans wild exhorting them to action when singing ‘kill the Boer (farmer)’.
For Jacob Zuma, the land-grab debate has been a blessing; the clamour for him to be prosecuted has abated and the political airwaves are filled with rancorous calls for the quick eviction of European farmers and the seizure of their property as a means to alleviate the suffering of poor, dispossessed Africans. White farmers are being murdered on a regular basis just to maintain the pressure.
To his credit, Ramaphosa cannot be accused of deceit; he did signal his intentions when he was a union leader under the Nationalist government. In an interview with Mario Oriani-Ambrosini he was quoted thus: “… Ramaphosa told me of the ANC’s 25 year strategy to deal with the whites: it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is done by raising the temperature very slowly. He meant that the black majority would pass laws transferring wealth, land and economic power from white to black slowly and incrementally until the whites lose all they have gained..” Twenty-three years of ANC rule and it appears Ramaphosa is going to jump the gun a little, tweak that plan, douse the filthy frog in boiling water and be done with him.
There are certainly going to be multiple legal challenges here and abroad, once the constitution is amended to allow the confiscation of property but I fear the history recalled above is certain to be repeated; the British government will express dismay, the EU will have a little tantrum, Trump may react but he will be condemned as a ‘racist’ and political and legal obstacles will be squashed under the feet of millions of poor people, recklessly led by opportunistic demagogues who will play the race card adroitly and plunge an infrastructural and economic powerhouse into devastating decline.
Sixty-million people will inevitably suffer nationally but so will the rest of southern Africa because the entire region relies to some degree on the country’s manufacturing, agricultural and industrial muscle and on the country’s logistical infrastructure. This is a combined population of roughly 250 million people who will be directly and indirectly affected.
Right now, South Africa provides some sort of sanctuary to roughly 10 million immigrants who have fled the misrule endemic to the north. When this country suffers the same fate there is no place left to hide, there will be no crumbs because the table will be bare and there will almost certainly be a war over competition for dwindling resources. The biggest bloodletting in African history is a likely consequence and the human tragedy that followed de-colonisation will reach its terrifying denouement. People of Europe must brace themselves; if they think they have a refugee problem now, it’s going to get a lot worse.
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My understanding of the population and demographics is this:
At union in 1910 there were about 6 million people in SA. two thirds blacks and the rest white.
Today there are over 60 million with 92% black and the rest white.
So, roughly speaking, for every white alive in 1910 there are two and a half alive today.
For every black alive in 1910 there are over twelve alive today!
And nobody mentions it.
We all know what will happen in South Africa and western leaders will do NOTHING and the MSM will place several lines on page 7 at the most. like the million young girls rape groomed, they do NOT care and will continue to NOT care until replaced, by any means, by those who do care. No borders means that all bar the plutocrats will live in poverty and become the post modern serfs of a new dark age.
The whole thing was planned and deliberate destruction
The civil wars were depopulation
Africa was only required as a mine
Rubbish! Africa currently has its highest population ever thanks to western largesse and western medicine and in case you had not noticed, the overflow is currently swamping Europe. Please place facts before ideology if possible. Africa is still inherently tribal and when western aid ceases watch it all “hit the fan”.
Hannes, thank you for the light on the dark continent, but I fear for ALL whites in South Africa and ALL Christians in such as Nigeria. I have already asked my MP about whether SA whites threatened with actual genocide will be accepted here as refugees( I received, as expected, no reply)
Great comment, as always, Hannes. I’m surprised there has been so little comment on this topic in the US. Some have argued that Ramaphosa’s statement is just post-election bluster, but I tend to agree with you. This is not a topic on which you play with words just to effect a posture. The consequences are indeed dire.
May I congratulate Hannes on an excellent and accurate honest article.
I was a teenager sleeping next to my motorbike on the side of the road at Beit Bridge when LHD cars loaded with white families fleeing the Congo nearly ran me over as they parked up to wait for the SA border to open.
I made friends with Portuguese refugees from Mozambique who had spent a night in the border minefield waiting for rescue by Rhodesian troops.
I have seen the shot up planes after returning from a raid on a terrorist base in Mozambique and photos of the masses of armament collected on that raid.
OXFAM claimed that base was an unarmed refugee camp. I SAW THE BULLET HOLES, THE SHOT UP AIRCRAFT AND SPOKE TO MEN WHO WERE THERE.
Now we hear a lot about has-been Russian spies being bumped off by their motherland but Callahan didn’t give a shit about the Brits killed when Nkomo or Mugabe’s Russian trained men used Russian Sam 7 missiles to bring down two civilian passenger planes and butcher the survivours.
Sorry there’s no hope for Africa. Perhaps Mrs may will have more backbone than her predecessors Eveart Boniface.
Dankie, weereens, Hannes
You have hit the proverbial nail on the head and, I am really sorry to say this too. It’s going to be messy.
A friend of mine went to work in Ghana maintaining the Post Office postal sorting equipment in Accra. He carried an enormous briefcase filled with tools from his hotel to his work site. Every day the locals suspected he was carrying vast sums of money and he feared for his life. His comment ” Africa is for black Africans”.
The new approach by foreign powers to Africa is not to colonise but to grant independence and then do battle to extract her natural resources. Enriching the governors of the day with their cut is all that is required. Russia and China are the leaders in this ploy. Citizens of many countries have fled to South Africa. Of interest is that Mnangwagwa the new Zimbabwe premier is inviting white farmers back to farm the land his predecessor stole from white farmers.
Like China African leaders tend to try to stay in power for as long as they can keeping their citizens impoverished but enriching themselves. It is easier for them to embrace an Eastern approach to power than the Western democratic model. Therein lies the rub.
Thanks Hannes another good article. There was a woman journalist in 1980 , at a zanu pf rally. She was sitting next to him in the vip section. He said to her when they people started arching up , they would starve them into submission.!! She said she looked into his eyes and said he was a fanatic and meant every word. She made her mind then and there to immigrate. It is no longer on the internet been taken down unfortunately, would have been good to put the link. It must be in their genes to wreck /steal everything.
Magnificent article !
The future I see owing to deliberate population explosions, is a situation where the unemployed become the unemployable. What with famine, the millions of children will be deprived of essential nutrition to forge good normal growth physically and mentally.
Land to produce sufficient food will not be enough and the possibility of mankind turning viciously on itself will be self-destroying. The bottom line — no country has elastic borders to swell sufficiently to accommodate a population explosion. Why is it that certain leaders cannot see this problem looming ever closer?
please write to me – anyone.
Nobody has mentioned Africa’s biggest problem – tribalism. It is expected of tribal leaders that they look after their own and to hell with the rest: hence corruption, nepotism, and genocide.