Gerald Potash,

Hello again,

The news explosion of the week, of the month, of the year was on Friday when Ebrahim Rasool, our ambassador to the USA was kicked out of America and told never come back. Marco Rubio, the American Secretary of  State instructed Rasool to get out within 72 hours–now in America he is now a persona non grata. Rasool, on a recorded address to the Mapungubwe Institute, intimated that President Trump was a racist and he was disparaging towards his host nation. He claimed that Trump was a “white supremacist” and that ‘Make America Great Again’ (MAGA) is a white supremacist response to a growing demographic diversity in the United States.  Rasool is accused of “race-baiting” but he is not only a rabid racist he is also stupid. To show his dislike of Trump and whites in that manner…… what did he think?  He didn’t think. Aggressively criticizing his host country, with whom he is supposed to be finding common ground, was just plain dumb.

Paul Hoffman, of Accountability Now, sent me a piece from ‘The Washington Outsider’ written by Joy Theron which hits the nail on the head and here I quote:

“South Africa’s reappointment of Ebrahim Rasool as its ambassador to the United States is more than a diplomatic misstep; it is a calculated insult to the principles of international stability, security, and integrity. Rasool’s well-documented associations with extremist organizations, his history of corruption, and his divisive rhetoric render him unfit for the role of a diplomat. This decision is not just a lapse in judgment by the African National Congress (ANC) but a disturbing reflection of its ideological alignment with entities that undermine global peace and security……..                                                                          Rasool’s affiliations with terror-linked organizations, such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, are not mere allegations but established facts. His public praise for Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a notorious figure in radical Islamist circles, underscores his ideological leanings. Al-Qaradawi, an advocate of suicide bombings and virulent anti-Semitism, is an emblem of extremist ideology”. 

David Bullard, in his article in Politicsweb this week wrote: “I have written previously that a chap wrapped in a scarf with the team colours of Hamas and a proud history of attacking what he likes to term ‘Western imperialism’ isn’t exactly the sort of fellow South Africa needs representing its interests now that The Donald is running the show in the US”.

Tuesday’s Burger newspaper opined in their editorial that Rasool’s destructive bomb will cost SA dearly as it is likely to cut all American aid and trade to SA. Then on Wednesday the Burger further opined that Rasool owes SA a humble apology………..but,…….. don’t hold your breath.               DavidDToons had this cartoon in The Daily Friend this week:

The Presidency is trying to mend the rift between us and the US and has announced that it is confident that relations between our two countries can be mended. But, in the meantime, Paul Mashatile, our deputy president says we must start looking for new trading partners. He described Trump’s removal of funding as regrettable and he believes we should expand trade to Russia, China, India, and some European countries.

The budget is still very much in the news.  William Saunderson-Meyer in The Citizen calls our recent budget a wish list and not an executable plan.                                                                             In the upcoming parliamentary debates on the budget, the ANC will need support to get the budget passed and that support won’t be coming from the DA. It is the first time in 31 years that the majority party is not able to simply muscle its will onto the population. Will the ANC try to get the MK and EFF to vote with them?  What will that then cost them?…..and if they do…. what will that then cost us?

I liked this cartoon that I received on WhatsApp. I don’t know where it was published or by whom, but this is our situation for sure:

Foreign investors are leaving SA according to economist, Kevin Lings of Stanlib. Lings tells us that they have almost completely disappeared.

He was talking at Stanlib’s recent ‘In Perspective Roadshow’ where he pointed out that our disastrously low growth rate of only •8% p/a each year over the last decade has cost not only jobs but growth. Our budget does very little, if anything, to change this in spite of all the talking given by the Finance Minister and our President. You can’t simply talk an economy up, things must be done to make it happen. Someone should remind Ramaphosa of that.

A letter to the editor of the Sunday Times shocked me this week. Our population is exploding.  In 1994 there were 350,000 child grants. Now we have 13-million.

I also did not know that 60% of birth certificates here omit a father’s details.

How can we possibly afford a National Health Insurace?            The ANC had better get more money (and big bags of it from Iran or anyone else like them who will give financial funds for support at UNO) because there is just no way SA can afford the NHI. 

Our police are useless. In the press this week is the story of the two Murray murders more than 18 months ago. There is video footage of the driver of the vehicle used in the killing –he is the 3rd suspect–but the police have not yet bothered to interview him.  I have been critical of our police for years and this week I read that SAPS (SA Police Services) have a backlog of more than 140,000 DNA cases. This prohibits them from prosecuting criminals. What has the ANC not ruined in their 31 years of running this country?

The ANC must also take the blame for the dismal state of Johannesburg. Johnannesburg’s City Power has been in the news this week for its lack of service delivery. Not only that but they cannot explain the R5 billion in irregular and wasteful expenditures. If only this story this was an exception to ANC governance.

On Thursday the City of Johannesburg voted to change the name of Sandton Drive to Leila Khaled Drive. Khaled was the first female to highjack an airplane.  Typically of our government, in S Africa she has been wined and dined as a hero. She is a Palestinian terrorist. Nothing more and nothing less. The street name change is being done, no doubt, to irritate the Americans because their embassy is on Sandton Drive.

Joel Pollak, the likely American ambassador to SA has said that if the name change takes place he will see to it that the American Embassy is moved elsewhere or even closed permanently. 

Our soldiers are coming back from the DRC. Were they under-trained, under-armed or simply not good enough to protect themselves in the war-zone? After the 15 recent deaths our Minister of Defence has questions to answer but to date she hasn’t said a word. 

Now some good news. SA has just announced a R93.4+ billion investment package from the EU for unlocking green energy. We are going to harness more wind and sun energy so as to encourage clean energy. 

This week I had a meaningful coffee catch-up. Coffee with Cassie in Stellenbosch is always special. We see the goings-on in this country very differently, but she adds light to my views and I am grateful for that. She and Doug are never here on their farm for long so our catch-ups need planning. Nobody, but nobody travels more than them. 50 airflights last year!

The coach and I were on the couch on Sunday to watch Spurs play Fulham. Spurs lost. Again. Are we bringing them bad luck? They played terribly so I think the blame should rather be on their manager.

As always,                                                                              


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2 thoughts on “The Week That Was”
  1. R 93.4 billion from a bankrupt union for a bs cause that will extract compound interest from the tax payer, just stop waste, wars, greedy extraction of natural resources ie child pit mining or ocean over fishing, etc.
    Common sense no longer trumps woke and politicians lining pockets, nauseating.
    Paying people to screw you must be a sign of insanity.

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