It’s Over For England
Simon Lincoln Reader, If you are one of these people still laboring under the pretense of English or British exceptionalism, Sunday’s newspapers will have shocked you. There, you’d have found…
Part of
Simon Lincoln Reader, If you are one of these people still laboring under the pretense of English or British exceptionalism, Sunday’s newspapers will have shocked you. There, you’d have found…
Losing date announced by loser. SIMON LINCOLN READER Londonistan Shortly it will be announced that the UK General Election will be held on July 4th. I know, I know –…
Simon Lincoln Reader As the saying goes in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal region of the Sudan: that goat is well and truly f*****. By the time you read this,…
Tintin in the Land of the High Buildings where Gays are Tossed Off. SIMON LINCOLN READER Brussels NOBODY KNOWS anything about Belgium’s political leaders because nobody knows what Belgium actually…
In order to defeat the demented, anything and everything must be tried – even that which risks being dismissed by fellow travelers as ‘controlled opposition’. SIMON LINCOLN READER There is…
Simon Lincoln Reader, When I was visiting the UK in 1996 I got something I didn’t ask for and certainly didn’t want. Even then I was suspicious of football and…
Despite the encouraging polls, there’s a lot to be troubled by regarding Tuesday’s US midterm elections. Simon Lincoln Reader I know someone who knows Paul Pelosi and he says that…
Simon Lincoln Reader, We’ve heard the c-word a lot this week, much of it deliberate mispronunciation of Jeremy Hunt’s surname. But after today, not a single member of C…erm, Hunt’s…
Meeting the great psychologist of our age and persuading him to come south… Simon Lincoln Reader, The world’s most famous Canadian Dr. Jordan Peterson has been in London for nearly…
The arrival of a new Prime Minister tomorrow could not be more boring or irrelevant. Simon Lincoln Reader Tomorrow one of the two monkeys jockeying for leadership of the Conservative…