by Hannes Wessels
Looking back at the personalities and institutions involved in the demise of Rhodesia and the forced transition to Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe one is struck by a common thread. Anyone familiar with the history knows the world was overwhelmingly hostile and stridently opposed to the continuation of any semblance of European rule, no matter how competent or well-intentioned it might have been. ‘White’ was simply not ‘right’ and it had to go. But there are compelling reasons to believe this feverish antipathy was driven by a marked divergence of values relating to sex and sexual mores. What is written below may appear ridiculously simplistic and indeed there were many other factors that impacted on this particular situation but I do believe it is fair to point an accusatory finger at people in power at the time who were either personally involved in sexual misbehavior or complicit in the conduct of such actions.
Probably the most effective institution driving the anti-white African agenda was the British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC] which was commandeered by radical authoritarian liberalism after WWII. A significant manifestation of this ‘neo fascism’ has been the domination of homosexual politics at the highest level in all public sectors in the UK.
Far from doing what is mandated in its charter, which is to be balanced, truthful and fair, the Corporation orchestrated a vicious propaganda campaign that whipped the world into an anti-white frenzy which still reverberates today. So determined were the mandarins of the BBC to succeed in bringing about the downfall of white rule in Rhodesia, they set up a propaganda radio station in Botswana that beamed inflammatory sophism into the country aimed at fueling violent protest. At a time when the Soviet Union was the template for politically-motivated disinformation the BBC was actually setting the pace.
This is all old news, but when one looks at this despicable organization in the light of what is now known about it I cannot help but believe there was also a sexual component driving this destructive impulse. This may sound stupid but it’s worth considering some facts.
Rhodesian males, like them or loathe them, were, in the main, committed, robust heterosexuals and homosexuality, rightly or wrongly, was sneered at. No doubt there were exceptions but the country’s character was essentially that of the ‘Alpha Male’ who liked booze, ‘broads’ and the odd brawl. Rugby was the primary sport and even soccer players were sneered at. As a result, they fared well on the battlefield; most were born to being patriotic and principled along traditional Christian values. Ian Smith was in a sense typical of the breed. He loved sport, the outdoors, was fearless in his commitment to the values he held dear, loved his country and the company of men but also had a twinkle in his gimlet eye when he spied a pretty girl.
Now bear in mind, the BBC, the country’s nemesis at the time of the Rhodesian imbroglio (and afterwards) was a haven for paedophiles. The list is a long one but it’s worth looking at just a few of the sexual perverts that found comfort within the confines of this once august institution.
- William Roache. In 1967 he was busy raping a teenage girl. A ‘Coronation Street’ star, he was revered in entertainment circles and awarded an MBE. His co-star Michael Le Vell was charged with 19 counts of sexual offences against children.
- BBC presenter Stuart Hall eventually admitted to 13 counts of child rape over a period of 18 years.
- Entertainer Rolf Harris was finally jailed in 2014 for indecent assaults on young girls over a period of 18 years starting in 1968. One victim was eight years old.
- BBC comedian Jimmy Savile goes down in history as Britain’s greatest sexual offender. Over 50 years at the corporation, he was involved in at least 214 sexual offences involving children as young as eight. He preyed on retarded children in facilities where he had special permission to attack and even violated cadavers. Some of his cohorts included ‘Moors Murderers’ Ian Brady and Myra Hindley and the ‘Yorkshire Ripper’, Peter Sutcliffe. At least four members of Savile’s staff were complicit in his actions. BBC presenters have admitted his actions were covered up. One said it was because Savile was so close to Prince Charles.
In the political arena, no politician of the time was more hysterical than Jeremy Thorpe in calling for the end of European rule in Rhodesia. As leader of the Liberal Party he enjoyed the sobriquet ‘Bomber’ Thorpe on account of his strident parliamentary call on the government of Harold Wilson to deploy the RAF on bombing missions aimed at Rhodesian targets. Thorpe was a ruthless homosexual who narrowly avoided conviction for plotting the murder of his troublesome former lover Norman Scott. One of his senior MP’s in the Liberals was Sir Cyril Smith who was involved in supplying young boys to brothels when not pleasuring his corpulent self with his human merchandise. Smith was awarded an MBE in 1966 and knighted in 1988.
At the highest level, Prime Minister Edward Heath, who, under pressure from Jeremy Thorpe, binned the settlement agreement crafted by Alec Douglas-Home that may well have changed history for the better, is now widely reported on as a serial sexual deviant. The police, as in all the above cases, were well informed but chose to ignore compelling evidence.
Standing solidly alongside the political and media establishment in the anti-Rhodesian campaign was the Church of England. Like the BBC, this institution, is now known to have been a safe haven for paedophiles. Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has apologised to victims. ‘The abiding hurt and damage done to them is something that none of us in the Church can ignore,’ he said. A Church of England report has accused the leadership of a ‘disastrous’ failure to protect children from abuse by paedophile priests. Bishop Trevor Huddlestone, an icon of the Anglican communion and celebrated anti-Rhodesian activist and anti-apartheid campaigner, was a sexual predator who also escaped prosecution despite his behavior being well known to many.
These are just some of the powerful personalities and institutions in the British establishment who worked so energetically and effectively to destroy the best governed country in Africa and usher in despotic misrule. Looking at this ghastly gallery of perverts is it any wonder the God-fearing Christian heterosexuals who ruled Rhodesia could find so little in common with the twisted miscreants who assumed positions of authority in post war Britain. Pure evil held power there and pure evil prevailed.
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I give you the following quote from an article in New Dawn magazine by Dr Mujahid Kamran:
In [October]1940, a young man addressed a “study group” of the Labour Party in a room at University College, Oxford. He stressed that he belonged to a secret group without a name which planned a “Marxist takeover” of Britain, Rhodesia and South Africa by infiltrating the British Parliament and Civil Services. The young man stated that he headed the political wing of that secret group and he expected to be made Prime Minister of Britain some day! The young man was Harold Wilson who became Prime Minister of Britain (1964-70, 1974-76)!
[Special Issue 18 p.8]
The quote may have used as a reference a report by Dr Kitty Little called Treason at Westminster (1979).
What is so deeply shocking about this quote is how long ago the destruction of Rhodesia was posited. Before many of us ex-Rhodesians were born, our fate was already decided. All of the politics and sacrifices of the UDI years and the bush war were pointless and meaningless in the broader scheme of things. We were all pawns and puppets in a much, much larger game. Now you know why at this point we are all scattered to the four winds, with only our experiences to show as possible profit.
And lets not forget to mention The Methodist Church, another wretched and vile cesspit of evil.
7615 Fields Drive
Hannes it is interesting to note that a special task force of ex US Navy Seals has formed a unit to root out pedifiles. Last count was 3000
most of whom are top government officials and entertainers! Nothing in the press? This subject you have broached I feel is huge and comes with its dangers. I am always amazed at the power the LGBT lobby wields? Governments tremble at the sound of their steps. They constitute a small minority in the USA but no one will stand against them. Those that do are literally taken out. Personally I think you are on the nail that homosexuals played a pivotal role in the demise of Africa for the very reason that the colonialists and indigenous groups were solidly heterosexual. There lobby would have been certainly exploited because of this power. By those bent on destabilising an otherwise stable sub continent post WW2. For one reason alone and that was to rebuild Europe and Britain without opposition from a United and mineral /raw material rich Africa. Imagine Africa today under the likes of Ian Smith even blacks with his ethos? ” they” could not and would not let that happen, period. They did whatever it took even the systematic murder of men women and children white or black.
You missed out the Catholic Church, which was a great enemy of Rhodesia (Umtali’s Donal Lamont being a perfect example). The Catholic Church has a rotten history of all sorts of pedophilia.
At last, some truth about what Rhodesia/Zimbabwe was all about ?
We have a similar situation in Canada: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Government funded propaganda machine. They refuse to broadcast any truth that may suggest we have a growing problem with the importation of a culture (islam) that is so far behind ours in values and basic civil mores. The Pollyanna dogma is alive and well with this outfit.
Could it be that these frightened, defensive people were adopting a (pseudo) righteousness to either deflect criticism or to enhance perceptions of their moral certitude?
Long time no hear but another excellent article thank you. It is a pity that the likes on Flower , did not use this stuff against the Brits to counter their propaganda ! But I think the Rhodesians had too much class.
Hannes, thoroughly enjoy all your writings, thanks for keeping Rhodesian history in perspective. I have often wondered about the period 1978 to about 1984, and what happened to the last Rhodesian cabinet, and the last Zimbabwe-Rhodesia cabinet. How did all those honourable MPs fare? How many of them ended up in other lands, well off and set up for life after Rhodesia? How did they arrive at their destinations with that wealth at a time when mere mortals could legally leave the country with about $1,000, I think. How many stayed behind and genuinely tried to lead the white community who had been so (blindly, one might say) faithful to the flag?
I well remember a drum-up-support speech given by Wickus DeKock, MP, at Rusape, I just cannot recall the date. He stood there and told all the anxious parents there that they should all keep their sons at Rhodesian schools, their suppprt is vital in the conflict, etc, etc. My mom put up her hand, and when given the opportunity to speak, calmly but clearly asked the good Mr DeKock where his sons were at school. The Minister tried to avoid and evade answering, as only politicians can, until my mom again stood up, turned to the floor and announced that Mr DeKocks sons were at school in South Africa. The house came down in uproar!
You see my point.