Hannes Wessels,

It has long fascinated – and distressed me – how white journalists, reporters, editors, media proprietors and white led pressure groups in South Africa have seldom missed an opportunity to criticize people like Helen Zille, and the DA ,while consistently looking for ways to applaud, or defend the ANC no matter how badly the ruling party behaves. It has often struck me as yet another exercise in racially motivated ‘virtue-signalling’- the message to their political masters being – look how wonderful we are in the way we loathe other white people despite the fact the targets of their proclaimed ire are invariably well intentioned patriots, trying very hard to present a credible opposition to an administration seemingly determined to wreck the country.

This sentiment among the above-mentioned group, has morphed into an almost obsessive hatred of Donald Trump who, along with SA born Elon Musk, has been portrayed as a rapacious racist bigot of low intellect, who is hell bent of turning America into a dictatorship that is a threat to a world order thriving under the control of progressive globalism, exemplified by people like Joe Biden, Angela Merkel, George Soros, and Keir Starmer. They have in the main been telling their audience what they want to hear because most ‘enlightened’ white South Africans have long followed the widely held belief that Trump is a billionaire buffoon who has no place in the public domain and would probably be better placed in prison rather than the presidency.

What has set a cat amongst the ‘white-media pigeons’ is the Executive Order signed by President Trump on Friday titled “Addressing Egregious Actions of the Republic of South Africa” which aims at protecting specific ethnicities in the country from racially discriminatory laws. One would have thought this would be celebrated by genuine ‘liberals’, (who are supposed to believe in equality)  throughout the land, but absolutely not so.  The  ‘Boers’ deserve everything they’ve been getting since ‘Freedom’ for the sins of Apartheid. The fact that over 5,000 of them have been killed since 1995 and the number of white-owned commercial farms reduced from 130,000 to under 30,000 is far from enough to assuage the anger of the country’s rulers who are permitted to rally their supporters at political meetings with rallying cries to ‘Kill the Boer’.

Andrew Donaldson, a man I have so admired for his sharp wit and pen, is sadly at the forefront lambasting Trump whom he holds in utter contempt, while castigating Elon Musk, who is also outspoken in his opposition to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and racially based legislation in general.  Donaldson homed in on a recent photo to accuse Musk of a ‘fascist style salute’ (which appears to be a simple display of spontaneous exuberance), while expressing outrage at Musk for telling the German people recently that they should bury their collective guilt, and look to Alice Weidel of the AFD to save their country from self-destructing.

Similarly, Melanie Verwoerd is furious with Trump for cutting aid to the country in response to legislation that discriminates against her own people on grounds of race, while going on to defend the recently promulgated Land Expropriation Act.

Steven Grootes also defends the Act, but goes further, accusing Trump of ‘bullying’ and ‘lying’ about the Bill and using the issue as a ‘dog-whistle to his voters’. His decision to cut aid is criticised as ‘immoral’ showing Trump ‘is not concerned about the health of human beings’.  Mr. Grootes, conveniently ignores the fact the government he so stoutly defends is better known for corruption than competence and if it stopped squandering public money it might provide better health care to its own citizenry without taking American kindness for granted. Astonishingly, Mr. Grootes seems to lament the fact that anyone has questioned this legislation; ‘Here, while there was some fuss in the days after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Expropriation Act into law, the issue was fading from our politics. Now, because of Trump, it is centre stage again.’

AgriSA CEO Johann Kotzé slammed Trump, stressed that no land confiscation has taken place, downplayed the significance of farm-murders and insisted the new laws were essentially well intentioned and lacking in any sinister agenda.

Minister of Agriculture John Steenhuisen backed the government in stating “It is not true that the act allows land to be seized by the state arbitrarily”. Steenhuisen has chosen to ignore the fact that, In December 2021, then Minister of Justice, Ronald Lamola, stated, in reference to compulsory land acquisition, “Changing the Constitution was just one instrument we could have used … The matter is now ended. We will now use our simple majority to pass laws that will allow for expropriation without compensation.” Mr Steenhuisen also seems to have forgotten there are over 140 laws in place that are race-based, so this simply follows a troubling trend.

These interventions must have pleased the government. One ANC spokesperson issued a statement asking of the Trump administration; “How do you engage with this level of madness, which is just naked racism? It’s just unbelievable because at an intellectual level, you can’t engage because there is no policy, no politics, it’s nothing, the bottom of the barrel. Have you ever seen such lunacy and madness. “

For someone who lived through, and suffered considerable hardship as a result of legislation that violated property rights leading to the Mugabe-orchestrated ‘land grabs’ I can only conclude, the writer-views expressed above, notwithstanding their political proclivities, are astonishing and probably indicative of the fact that ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ is real and very much alive and well.

Here is an American president speaking and acting on behalf of all South Africans who want a fair chance in life and for their property rights to be protected, and he is met with scorn, condescension and malice.

How I wish this man had been where he is now when we were purged simply on the basis of the colour of our skin; if he had been maybe we would have had a chance of saving ourselves and our country; but we were forsaken by a hostile, anti-colonial international community too bigoted in their worldview to confront a murderous campaign simply because the perpetrators happened to be members of a universally respected ‘liberation movement’.

It seems the above-mentioned apologists and their acolytes have chosen to ignore the fact that South African presidents including Mandela, Mbeki, Zuma and Ramaphosa have all recognised, and indeed in some cases applauded, the land seizures that destroyed the Zimbabwe economy and plunged millions into perpetual poverty. What makes them think these men have a different view of the same happening in their own country?

Prior to the commencement of the actual ‘invasions’ we too were assured by writers, newspaper editors and association-leaders, particularly those in high places in the Commercial Farmers Union, that legislation on land expropriation enacted in 1992 was, despite the ominous wording, essentially benign, and not to be opposed. It was in fact the opening act in a terrible tragedy that turned into a crime against humanity.

For the first time in the history of post-colonial Africa, a Western leader has taken a deliberate and determined decision to signal not only Pretoria, but the rest of Africa too, that America is watching, the days of kleptocrats plundering their countries in the cause of restitution and retribution while receiving financial assistance from USAID and other US organs of government, are over; God bless Donald Trump, God bless Africa, and damn the white ‘progressives’ of the Woke globalist order who seek to stop this new wind of change blowing through a continent in chaos and despair.

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24 thoughts on “Trump Derangement Syndrome Alive and Well in South Africa.”
  1. Spot on!
    How miraculous is the human brain, as Loui above said – ‘can dissect complex issues, debate with nuance on a myriad of topics, and engage in critical analysis’, yet is able to turn into complete mush and output complete nonsense when appropriately triggered!

  2. Trump bashing seems to be an exceptionally popular global pastime. I am at a loss to try to explain why, given what he has already done for his country. The fact is, this man is worth over 5 BILLION US smackeroos, and needs to spend 4 of his last 20 years on this planet being The President of The United States, like he needs a second arsehole. You will NEVER see a greater patriot than this bloke.

    But patriot that he is, and there he stands, giving his next 4 years to his country for free (he has never drawn a salary). So, hold onto your hats people, the changes for good are going to be at every level and by any standards, phenomenal and unprecedented in terms of good, solid governance. His team have come out of the starting blocks at a never been seen before speed, and I don’t believe they will slow down before their campaign promises are fully met.

    His already implemented aid cuts (and more will likely soon be applied) and their effects will not please South Africans, but we have only the incredibly inept politicians in charge since 1994 to thank for that. It is quite simply, their fault, and theirs alone. Would YOU continue to send aid to people who disrespected and vilified you so? Not me.

    I think any American tax payer, after watching the SA “leadership” spew out its constant stream of racist vitriol against the USA, with never a word of thanks, must simply think “WTF are we doing, giving these unapologetically Yankophobic people our hard-earned cash to help the very South African people that even THEY, their government, does nothing to help.”

    At the very least, Trump’s long overdue EOs have highlighted the double speak of the ANC, EFF and others in this NGU. The overtly racist policies and rules are, and always have been, in direct contravention of the hitherto completely ignored South African Constitution, which should have been written on toilet paper so that it could then at least have had some value for long suffering South Africans.

    And, DJT is doing the very same thing inside his borders … isn’t DOGE just the bees’ knees? It seems that quite soon, American tax payers may even start to see their own tax dollars at work.

  3. Brilliant summation by mr Wessels.
    Might be too little, too late.
    America has it’s own problems, mr Trump’s credibility might be stretched by his dealings with the Ukraine and Gaza fiascos, as well as the rise of China.

    1. I think the world will soon learn that Putin has no aggressive intentions towards western Europe. Putin has long held this view, but the media have done their best to muzzle that message which has fanned the flames of war in Ukraine. Thanks to Trump I see Putin being accorded some of the respect he deserves and Russia making a peaceful re-entry into the developed world. I also believe Elon Musk will soon expose a massive money laundering racket behind the flow of money to Zelensky. VP Vance stunned Europe yesterday by pointing out (correctly in my view) that Europeans have more to fear from their own, increasingly autocratic governments, than they do from Russia. Interesting to note that your chances of prison for FB posts is far greater in the UK than it is in Russia.

  4. Sheople syndrome, or maybe Stockholm syndrome, and degenerating leadership backbones are the elements of western destruction. Trump will reverse these terrible afflictions … and yes, watch Alice Weidel.

  5. Somewhat like covid – not many saw through the scam, but those that did, are the truly bright ones. Forget the rhetoric, the rush, and the bustle – these things are there to sway judgement, confuse and smoke screen. What is real? Thats all that matters.
    Even now, I have well educated friends, who still cannot see through the covid scam, despite the overwhelming evidence now emerging.
    DT, with all his flaws, is there to save America , and he is taking no prisoners. He will call out injustice, wherever he finds it. Rama / anc / GNU has been given notice. Its that gust of fresh air .
    Thanks Hannes – great post !!

    1. Steve, I too am staggered by the number of people who failed, and still fail to get their heads around the fact it was all a huge scam.

  6. It’s genuinely baffling to observe how virulent Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) can manifest in otherwise intelligent people. Here’s the thing – when you have individuals who can dissect complex issues, debate with nuance on a myriad of topics, and engage in critical analysis, yet when it comes to Donald Trump, all that rational capacity seems to evaporate into thin air.
    It’s not about defending Trump or his policies; it’s about the cognitive dissonance that’s so visible when otherwise astute minds abandon their critical faculties in favour of an almost religious fervour against one individual.
    This isn’t to say some criticism of Trump isn’t warranted – far from it. But when that criticism devolves into a syndrome where every fact, no matter how mundane, is twisted to fit a narrative of villainy, it’s a spectacle of human psychology that’s both fascinating and troubling. It challenges our understanding of how even the most educated and informed among us can be swayed by collective hysteria.

  7. I have Hannes book. A top author. Really knows his subject and has personal experience.
    I thought Helen Zille was and is a part of the problem.
    The Black people had barely 20% of South Africa when the European first arrived and now the Black ANC controls 8 out of 9 provinces. They run Cape Town which was never historically Black land.
    Where do the Khoi and San fit into the new South Africa.
    How many of the Blacks living in South Africa have fled their own despotic rulers.
    What happened to the I00,000 commercial farms which are no longer White owned.
    The wind turbines were intended to disrupt South Africa. They do not produce 50 hertz electricity.
    Everything that is happening is a part of the deindustrialising of the world economies. So sad.

  8. As long ago as 1992 I suggested that SA become the 51st state of the USA. I was told I was mad, but I am pretty sure it would have printed all the mayhem since the ANC took over.

  9. 100% Hannes. You can not for 1 minute believe that the powers that be in SA are not going to use the bill for self gain at the expense of hardworking people. Zimbabwe all over again.

  10. Hannes Wessels is spot on. Rregretfully, the Executive Order signed by President Trump last Friday will only accellerate the fate of our sinking ship.
    There is no doubt that it was inspired by Musk and was long overdue against a government that bites the hand that feeds it.
    As an elderly white person, I have no fear of what tomorrow brings. But I am very sad that my children have all emigrated because they are concerned about the future of our beloved country because of the colour of their skin. They have witnessed the destruction of our cities through maladministration & corruption, have been concerned about their personal safety and worried about the security of their jobs. I don’t blame them.
    Will Trump’s executive order change anything? I doubt it because it will not affect the wellbeing of our leaders who live in abundance while the bulk of our population live in poverty.
    The same situation exists in the rest of sub-saharan Africa. This is what so-called anti-colonialism stands for.
    The irony of it all is that Ramaposa’s beloved Russia cannot afford to compensate RSA for the loss of its aid from the USA – to the detriment of our poor majority.
    God save our beloved country.

  11. Hannes well presented with clarity. Again you nail it on the head. These obstinately stupid people that call themselves journalists & opinionates that punt the progressive left woke thinking, clearly have no idea of a one world govt agenda or are puppets for these one world govt agenda so called elitists(the Johann Ruppert’s, Oppenheimer’s, Rothchild’s, George & Alex Soros, Klaus Schwab, etc). The Land Expropriation Act is exactly what Mugabe brought about in Zimbabwe as you have explained & the SA Unit Govt will also bring about. We TDH’s now suffer the consequences of the merciless people who are no longer living to answer for their evil greed. SA farmers I say wake up & smell the roses.

  12. Brilliant. And I too simply cannot comprehend that people like Grootes and Donaldson are on the “wrong” side!
    Are they pro illegal immigrants too??? Makes you wonder.

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