by Hannes Wessels 


A year after I was born, in 1957, The Gold Coast became Ghana and the first country in Africa to acquire independence from Great Britain. Three years later, in February 1960, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan addressed the South African Parliament in Cape Town and famously declared:

The wind of change is blowing through this continent, and whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact. We must all accept it as a fact, and our national policies must take account of it.

This ushered in the post-colonial era as most of the imperial powers abandoned their African territories, their colonial kin and went home. Looking back ruefully, Mr. Macmillan might well have substituted ‘destruction’ for the word ‘change. The prevailing view of the African nationalists who assumed power was, and remains,  accumulation of vast personal wealth  and the erasure of the colonial legacy, no matter the merits, leaving little other than the battered veneer of the European presence. This has led, to violent anarchy in some countries, coups, civil wars and chronic political instability throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Much of the turmoil that followed ‘The Wind of Change’ speech, happened while I grew up in Rhodesia and these troubling developments persuaded the country’s political leadership to resist calls to organise an immediate transfer to what was then known as ‘majority rule’. The government of the day felt such a course of action risked the same outcome they were witness to in independent Africa to the North. This refusal resulted in a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), sanctions and war that delayed this transition until 1980.

Twenty years after independence the ‘farm invasions’ commenced. Exactly why the Zimbabwe president ordered this has long perplexed me. I know there was certainly a political component; he blamed the British for reneging on their alleged commitments; he was livid having lost the referendum that was designed to entrench him as a virtual dictator and blamed the whites for the defeat. He also needed to reward his cronies and appease a disaffected populace increasingly impoverished by his misrule. But even taking all those factors into account it struck me then, as it does now,  that the primary motivation was a racially motivated,  almost psychotic obsession,  with destroying a white run sector of the economy that so obviously indicated vitality and excellence in contrast to everything that had come under the management and control of him and his government; all of which was wrecked or rotten. This was embarrassing evidence of his own ineptitude and avarice which had to be removed from view, so he demanded commercial agriculture, in its entirety, be obliterated, no matter the consequences. The fact that there were peaceful, pragmatic solutions to the vexed ‘land question’ on the table helped little; Mugabe had an entirely race-based score to settle and he wanted to do it as brutally and violently as possible.

In South Africa today, against a backdrop of economic collapse, statues being desecrated, a slew of gruesome farm-murders and friends and associates announcing financial ruin as a result of the government response to the Corona virus, I have been feeling overwhelmed by a deeply troubling sense of déjà vu.

I dearly hope I’m wrong, but I sense the same psychosis may be motivating the ongoing decisions of the Corona Command Council, which effectively forms the government of the day. To her credit, Dr. Zuma has given us some warning, albeit subtle, by alluding to the term ‘class suicide’ as a possible means to a preferred end which sees the elimination of the ‘upper classes’ (with the obvious exception of the ruling ANC elite). This is almost certainly a reference to what she sees as a predominantly white section of South African society that she would like to see at least neutralised, if not, in some shape or form, eliminated.

As in Zimbabwe before 2000, the private sector, in the main, has managed to survive and indeed in many cases, prosper, despite an increasingly difficult, sometimes hostile public sector and thereby exhibit competence, resourcefulness and in some cases, amazing ingenuity in contrast to the evident corruption and incompetence of those in power. While, under the administration in which she takes centre-stage, a once vibrant, prosperous country is imploding as municipalities throughout the country collapse, a bloated, overpaid bureaucracy becomes increasingly dysfunctional, and mismanaged State Owned Enterprises, along with rampant corruption bankrupt the country. This sequence of events has created a visible dichotomy between the public and private sectors which is irritating, embarrassing, even infuriating to her and her colleagues, because it shines a contrasting light on the manifest ineptitude and malfeasance of her and her administration and must be destroyed. Loud warnings of the consequences for the country and the people, mostly black, who will inevitably suffer if the private sector is further undermined, fall on deaf ears.   The record of black, independent governments in post-colonial Africa demonstrates time and again that the well-being of their peoples is not a consideration to those in power.

Sadly, this phenomenon does not end here. In the United States, and to a lesser extent, the UK, the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement in some ways, exhibits the same mindless mentality that demands the obliteration of all that appears to have a white provenance; whether it be a law, a facility, a building or a statue, it must be destroyed, almost as an end,  in itself. In trying to better understand this phenomenon I appreciate that black people may hate white people and seek vengeance; but burning down their own neighbourhoods and destroying the systems and infrastructure constructed for the benefit of the apparently aggrieved, makes no sense as method of settling this conveniently perceived wrongdoing. Again, I’m left wondering if anti-white racism becomes so compulsive it cannot be contained no matter what remedial measures might be implemented.

Being one of the dwindling number of white Africans left in Africa I look back on the accession to power of Samora Machel in Mozambique with a measure of grudging respect. He immediately made it abundantly clear to the Portuguese citizenry that life in that country was going to become very tough for them if they remained and they were very welcome to leave. Most did, they left to start anew and saved themselves wasted years thinking they had a future in their homeland. This is the mistake many of us made in Zimbabwe, and I fear many of us are making again in South Africa.

Mrs. Zuma has given us a strong hint though and that should be appreciated.

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28 thoughts on “The Wind of Destruction”
  1. Hannes, poignant as usual. You write from the heart and you write our stories which incite the detractors and give a form of solace to those of us who have eaten enough of africas shit….but all have their point of view.
    Remain inspired and be the voice.
    The darkest spot is often under the candle.

  2. John. No quarrel with you re Rommell, Hannibal to Mao, etc, but I don’t see how you can extrapolate purely military tactics onto the political arena. It’s much more complex than that. Ok, I think I am done. Thanks for your input and comms. Best regards.

    1. Alistair – no quarrel either but that’s the point – it isn’t more complex than that: in Africa there are no rules – the most vicious bully always wins and takes it all for himself – no constraints, nothing to stop him – which is why we had a UDI which has been vindicated 100x over … if we could have held on to the coming of Ronald Reagan we would’ve had a different and much better outcome.

  3. Thanks Hannes good as always. From articles I read , when the farmers supported the opposition , that was the end of them , until then a necessary evil. There was an article years ago , where a woman broadcaster was at at a zanu rally in 1980/81 , where she was sitting next to a zanu pf big wig. She asked him what would happen if the people started voting against them , she said his eyes light up with zeal and said we will starve them. She said she then immigrated , it was on Rhod. contact site but now gone unfortunately. The black lives matter , the biggest arsonists and stirrers are white.! If the silent majority don’t stand up we are finished.

  4. John (Cowper), if I may, I would like to point out areas where you are wrong in your write-up.

    1) The white population was never “disarmed” as you claim. Ultimately there were restrictions on semi-automatic and fully automatic assault rifles only. I have been allowed by law to keep six weapons since 1980, two sidearms, three rifles and a shotgun. I don’t know of any white who has had his/her weapons confiscated unless there was a breach of the Firearms Act. Apart from the above ‘restrictions’ Central Firearms Registry law has remained pretty much as it was since 1980 and before.

    2) You:- “What I can’t understand is how you, an authority on the way things work and don’t work in this continent, forgot that you lived in Africa.”

    Presumably neither do you understand what drove the white population of Rhodesia to arm and defend themselves against armed insurgents who flooded into our country armed to the teeth with modern communist hardware and started committing unspeakable atrocities, mostly on their own people. After all, we saw what had happened in countries to our north. We must have forgotten we lived in Africa AND had the whole world against us! How could we have been so stupid? It’s to do with a little thing called COURAGE.

    Many of your criticisms (many done with hindsight, no doubt) in this article are things we learnt as we went along. Many of us did what we thought was right at the time, only to realise in many respects we were wrong. That’s life isn’t it? Win some lose some.

    3) You:- “this is how Mugabe put it, and with some incredulity that anybody could be so stupid as to try to unseat him using a mere ballot box: “How can a biro pen beat a gun”? The answer is … it can’t.”

    Once again, good old hindsight. We all (or most of us) now know the folly of it all. Give people the credit for trying to get rid of a system they knew to be evil and corrupt and many showed courage that I doubt neither you or I have.

    I wonder what you would advocate for whites to survive in Africa. Become part of the rot and corruption of the system just to survive or make a stand (together with many brave blacks) for what is right – in spite of the consequences.

    And why should I “express gratitude” to anyone for being allowed to continue living in the country of my birth?

    And why was there a need to “forgive” us for the Chimoio and Nyadzonya attacks?
    Edgar Tekere himself admitted they were legitimate military targets. There was a war on remember?

    1. Alistair – my arguments are valid / from Hannibal to Rommel to Mao – every single general has said it: attack your enemy when he is weak, run from him when he is strong – no hindsight required for that. You might have had noble intentions but in trying to save the country you achieved the opposite. That’s my view – it’s not fallacious – you’re entitled to yours.

  5. Good article, as always Mr. Wessels. What are your thoughts on recent reports that the government of Zimbabwe has agreed to pay $3.5 billion in reparations to white farmers?

    1. Thanks Salvatore; again I’d like to be proved totally wrong but I see this as little more than a very well organised propaganda exercise orchestrated by the victims which makes the people who perpetrated this outrage, look good. The Zimbabwe government has no money and even if they did I don’t believe they would contribute a cent. They have never been accountable to anyone and that remains pretty much the case today. They have shown us that crime does pay. I feel desperately sorry for the dispossessed farmers, some of whom are battling to survive, so I can see how judgement maybe impaired and this is seen as the last and only option open to them. I’d love to see something come of it but I’m very skeptical.

    2. Yes, I’m afraid you’re probably right about the Zimbabwe government. What about the offer from the Russian government to settle 15,000 South African families in a fertile, but underpopuated area in Eastern Russia? Was that a genuine offer or all talk? And if it is genuine, could these Rhodesian farmers also try to re-settle in Russia?

      1. I only know what I have read about the SA farmers going to Russia/Georgia and the reports were positive. Unfortunately many of the dispossessed Zim farmers are now too old to start anew in a faraway land. What galls me is the British government churns out billions every year in African aid, most of which is then stolen, but not a penny for these poor people despite many being of British ancestry and despite Britain having played an important role in the tragedy that unfolded in Zimbabwe. I suspect they are terrified of being seen to be helping white people no matter the circumstances.

  6. The mindset of people and groups within societies to divide and suppress different subcultures is a recurrent theme in human history. As Rhodesians, most of us sang off the same hymn sheet. And it’s clear we don’t anymore. John Cowper makes a very good point about the tiger being poked in the new Zimbabwe. It follows that the hymn sheets have changed, and they will change in South Africa too. ZANU-PF and the ANC do not get their votes from the whites. We irritate them and it becomes a never-ending battle to try to hold them accountable in the same way as ‘good governance’ is practiced in Western democracies. Why wouldn’t they play the ‘China Card’?

  7. It is a very sad situation indeed and my heart genuinely bleeds for the decent farmers and their families being murdered almost daily in South Africa whilst the leftist liberal main stream media turn a blind eye to it and instead concentrate on making saints of “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter”. The evil that affects us all is worldwide now. Even if white South Africans heed the generous warning of Mrs Zuma, though, what is the point of “taking the gap”? It seems to me that the governments in the rest of the world are even more evil than the current South African rulers. We have arrived at a turning point in history and it is anyone’s guess which country in the world might be the best to settle in. Even if we do make it to a better place, how long before the rot sets in there? The entire world is on notice. I believe that the apocalypse of Bible prophecy is just around the corner. Very soon the Antichrist will rule the earth and there will be peace under him for a while after making a covenant with many but he will persecute Christians worldwide as they are currently persecuted in North Africa and in the Eastern Nations. He will break his covenant and proclaim himself to be God in the Temple in Jerusalem which is soon to be built. The believers will be raptured and God will pour out his wrath on this evil world. Christians will suffer for a while no matter where we are, but we have a glorious future awaiting us where race will no longer be a problem.

  8. Hannes – the question of who is to blame for all of this is: was it the man who was eaten or the tiger he poked?

    As one of your oldest friends, I recall how you quite literally enjoyed the most enviable of lifestyles of anybody on this planet for nearly two decades after Independence in 1980. You lived luxuriously in gorgeous upmarket Chishawasha, ran a lucrative forex-based safari business catering to wealthy clients, drove a Range Rover, travelled the world, hobnobbed effortlessly with all levels of society right up to the Kissingers and the Duke of Edinburgh … partied at will and extensively in the social capital of the world (Harare) and Kariba … had no shortage of the best of friends and, not to put too fine a point on it, had your pick of droves of women. I mean, who had it better than you? Not even Taki. Not that you didn’t deserve it every bit of it, because you were brave and took your chances and it came off big time. Good on you.

    And yet it was not enough. I recall your hatred of Robert Mugabe from the very beginning of his reign and this relentless obsession of bringing him down. It seemed like a harmless folly at the time but whoever thought anyone would be so shortsighted as to take him on? We knew how ruthless he was and he had all the guns. The first thing the new President did was disarm the populace, as Dave Masson found to his detriment, and ZANU right at the outset put the stark, unambiguous warning to us, the whites, that we would be forgiven for Chimoio and Nyadzonia and all the rest of it and left alone so long as we stayed out of their politics. They couldn’t have been clearer.

    The fact is, though they lost all the battles, they had won the war. Irretrievably. Now in power, Mugabe was always caught between disparate forces and had to juggle accordingly … his army, which had been promised that the land would be returned to them in 1980, Africa itself pushing for the southern front on the Limpopo, and the pragmatism of his own economy. Quite frankly, all things considered, hid did an amazing job in keeping the lid on this for so long, which is the main reason you had your lifestyle. The rest of us, with a few sad exceptions, also lived high on the hog. No less than we deserved, for all we had suffered. With that said, there was never acknowledgement of this by anyone I knew, let alone an expression of gratitude that Mugabe had gone all Machel on us. It seems that we took it for granted as a function of our superiority and our right. Your comment about respecting Samora’s decision to banish the Portuguese was by his own admission and subsequent advisement to the new government of Zimbabwe, the dumbest thing he ever did. He told the new rulers in now uncertain terms not to lose us. They heeded the advice.

    In wanting to destroy RM you were a dedicated, frontline MDC activist and achieved the objective of winning the elections that should have got rid of him. If we were living in the First World – game, set and match.

    What I can’t understand is how you, an authority on the way things work and don’t work in this continent, forgot that you lived in Africa. The fact is that the MDC was organised by whites behind the scenes and funded by their capital – hence its effectiveness. With Morgan the trades unions were on board – on paper the perfect combination. This was the intelligence correctly reported to Mugabe and the referendum he lost that preceded the farm invasions was the clearest of warnings that his days were numbered if he didn’t fight back. He got the fright of his life. “We were caught napping”. He’s not an idiot though and knew he would be facing retribution for his crimes if he lost power – thus he resolved, given the primary instinct of every living creature is self-preservation, that come what may his removal/overthrow and accession to the MDC was never going to happen under any circumstances.

    Keep in mind this was a man who had advertised his capabilities since the early 1960’s, which is why we locked him up – he nevertheless through sheer ability and determination clawed his way to the top of a terrorist organisation, coerced his way into and through the 1980 elections, authorised the Gukuruhundi and had “several degrees in violence”. We knew this. And yet still, weaponless, we attacked him. Beneath the facade we know there is no Rule of Law in that country and that the Constitution can be summed up in three words: “Might Is Right”. How could we overlook that?

    They say he felt betrayed by the whites, having protected them from the radicals in his own party, for so long. It’s conceivably true. The thing is this – he knew he had lost the urban vote and so a forced rural vote became essential to his strategy of survival. To ensure control in the countryside he had to dismantle the farming infrastructure – as a tactic it served several purposes: displacement of 1.7million farm workers votes, destruction of the campaign platform the MDC would have used, patronage gifting to the thugs he needed for the fight while providing a warning to his enemies that they crossed swords with him at their peril. As if we needed a reminder.

    But consider this – that he had no choice for these draconian methods: if he was to survive the farms had to go. If you were him what would you have done? Moreover, and this was the beauty of it from his perspective, he could cloak this policy with the ‘righteous authority’ of ‘restoring the wrongs of the past’ – it’s a load of bollocks we know, but that’s how he sold it. On that point if repatriation of the land to its ‘original owners’ was the real reason for the farm invasions they would have happened far sooner than 1998. ZANU then went to all out war because that’s the only way they do it to win – they replaced the judges, closed down the media, let loose the Green Bombers, opened torture centres, etc. etc., did whatever they needed to, including announcing the “results” of the “election”. They got Mbeki and the ANC on board, they called in their China card. In purely political terms it all added up to something tragically effective. Professor Tony Hawkins assessed this best – namely, that the only thing more important to them than the economy was the politics. The whole country could go to scorched earth if needs be, they weren’t going anywhere and they held all the aces – this is how Mugabe put it, and with some incredulity that anybody could be so stupid as to try to unseat him using a mere ballot box: “How can a biro pen beat a gun”? The answer is … it can’t.

    Thus, applying the law of cause and effect, the question of who is to blame for all of this is: was it the man who was eaten or the tiger he poked?

    You could take it back to Henry Kissinger putting the knife into Rhodesia and Andrew Young/Jimmy Carter stiffing Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, but that is another story preceding his one.

    1. John I think you overstate my ‘successes’ but be that as it may, I still maintain we prospered ‘in spite’ of and not ‘because of’ Mugabe. I would have probably pursued a legal career but as a young prosecutor I quickly found myself in trouble trying to get a ministerial bodyguard to face a trial for what I deemed armed robbery. I was threatened with violence by his associates and then a strong warning from the minister himself. Then my office was burgled and a docket stolen. When I looked for support from the police and my superiors I was told to ‘back off’. I could see the writing on the wall, the rule of law would henceforth be applied selectively, and I resigned. I chose a different career path and not much later I found myself right in the middle of the unfolding violence as the 5th Brigade swept through Matabeleland. If it was not for the intervention of Lionel Dyck and his paratroopers who came to my aid, anything might have happened, but I was in a very exposed situation with American clients to look after.I had already seen quite a lot of what Mugabe’s people were capable of during the war; to then be witness to what was happening on an even bigger scale, was just further confirmation of my fears that this man had an agenda and our only chance of saving the country was through his removal from office. I wholly agree though, we were blessed in many ways, and I was blessed to have had the opportunity to live an exciting life but I always felt it wasn’t about me, I wanted Zimbabwe to be a better place for all and so became politically involved, again at considerable personal risk, but that is another story. We will never know for certain, but I don’t agree the political resistance posed by the MDC was the reason Mugabe did what he did; as I explained in my article, I believe the man was suffering from some sort of psychotic disorder and possessed of a craven desire to visit violence upon white people and destroy them. And one more thing; never had a Range Rover, can’t stand the bloody things; always a Toyota Land Cruiser man!

      1. Hannes – you’ve exposed my lack of car knowledge … but to the out-of-wallet there’s no difference between a Range Rover and a Toyota

        To our discussion … surely, if you are right about the level of his psychosis the imperative not to provoke was even higher?

        The fact of the matter is that you were pushing for his destruction – no less. But, as a military man, even in hindsight can you not concede the violation of that most basic of axioms expounded by all generals from Hannibal to Mao: “run from your enemy when he is strong, attack when he is weak”. Because at that level of power play you only get one crack at it.

        I’ve never doubted the rationale of your grievances, the toxicity of their corruption (with Edgar Tekere excused for murder and that sort of thing), nor the sincerity and purity of your motives – but the timing was impractical; the result of the MDC initiative was that a government ‘not bad by African standards’ converted something wholly tolerable for us, into a catastrophe for the country of Olympian proportions. The MDC, instead of attacking him with 70,000 guns at his disposal vs their zero, should have waited until he died … and also when Perrance Shiri joined him … the premier gook of all time and RM’s go-to hatchet man; a bonus of your hoax virus is Shiri’s demise last week from Covid – right now, August 2020, would have been the time to attack the ZANU structure, complacent and rotten to the core, when that old gerontocracy was too old to defend itself. We should have bided our time, bit our tongues, continued with our revelry and kept our powder dry. That’s how Mao would have done it – and that is one bugger who knew exactly how to play the Power Game.

        Obviously no hard feelings if that idea doesn’t resonate – we should agree to disagree.

        1. “pushing for his destruction” is too strong; I did believe there was the possibility of removing him at the ballot-box, by peaceful means and became part of that process. It nearly worked.

          1. “It nearly worked” – that’s the illusion right there … your plan did in fact work 100% in the sense of winning the election – everybody knows Morgan won, despite their brutalities – which goes to the ultimate objective (his ‘removal’, if you prefer) – that part was impossible, bar the miracle of the whole politburo and senior brass going down in a plane crash … literally impossible – it was NEVER going to happen because they had the Army – on record one and all in telling Morgan they would never accept him or his like. At the end of the day it comes down to that simplicity.

  9. Thanks for this Hannes. A good write up as usual. In the third paragraph I assume you meant “Mr Macmillan might well have substituted ‘change’ for ‘destruction’ instead of ‘destruction’ for ‘change’, and indeed this is what it was – destruction. On this subject I think probably the best book I have read on the Rhodesian War is a book by the late, and highly respected Peter Petter-Bowyer an ex Group Captain in the Rhodesian Airforce entitled “Winds of Destruction”, the title being a take off of Macmillan’s infamous and treacherous ‘winds of change’ speech. PB as he was affectionately known gained good insight into the political machinations of British politicians and their duplicity as he was a memeber of the British-Chaired Ceasefire Committee at the beginning of 1980. His utter disgust with Peter Carrington led him to make the rather amusing comment towards the end of his book, “Peter Carrington, that despicable rat, architect of Rhodesia’s demise.”

    But back to the gist of your article.

    The sheer scale and enormity of what has caused the mayhem you describe here is beyond the understanding of most of us but one has to admire the sheer dedication and tenacity of those who have been driving and directing this evil endeavour for decades. You make mention of statues, etc being torn down and while all this was going on almost no mention was made of a statue of the arch-communist Vladimir Lenin being erected in West Germany! See – It seems pretty clear to me where this is going and who is causing it. Communists lurking behind ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, supposedly nobel causes and they are being paid by people like George Soros to cause strife. The end justifies the means and the end is global communism. To me, this now seems very obvious. I doubt we white Africans are going to be receiving any succour unless Trump wins the battle against the never-ending liberal, democrat, communist attacks he has been on the receiving end of for the last four years and gets his country back on an even keel again and only once this has happened can we hope for a change in western foreign policy which in turn might benefit us battered African whiteys. A naive statement perhaps, but the sheer scale of hatred that has been ratcheted up against Trump is simply not normal for a ‘democratically’ run country. Too many communist moles in the form of rogue judges, mayors, senators and the like have been rearing their heads for this to not be taken seriously.

    1. Yes I’m afraid with the end of Trump is the end of America as we know it. Watch Congressman Jim Jordan challenging Dr. Fauci to explain why BLM protests are allowed but people are not allowed to go to church. I’m afraid, for Trump, the enemy is within and his son in law Jared Kushner is, in my view, the Trojan Horse.

      1. Top article, Hannes. You have certainly been thinking deeply on this! I found your readers’ comments very informed as well.

        If we focus outward on the big picture world scene, this following information will explain what future has long been planned for humanity, centred in the World Economic Forum cowboy gang and I don’t like it one bit.
        The pandemic (excuse) marks the end of the old paradigm – the world as we knew it and lived it – RIP, something Rhodesians already experienced.
        The supposed ‘discovery of a new germ’ (no virus of any kind was scientifically identified by Wuhan Lab so there might not even be one) is actually a coup d’etat by the international bankers/royalty and their selected intellectuals, the technocrats, to roll in a new paradigm of living (in which we will be ruled and regulated by unelected technocrats and algorithms) under false pretenses so that we comply.

        It helps to know what’s coming globally so that we can act locally as no nation will be exempt.

        The very intelligent Spiro Skouras interviews Patrick Wood who wrote ‘Technocracy Rising which I read years ago:

        “The Global Elite & the Coronavirus Coup d’etat: with Patrick Wood”

  10. Our shared genes and shared political concerns resonate with me. An American replied to EFF and ANC on a remark sent to mr. Trump: One American, one bullet. The rather interesting/emphatic reply was: We watch it – we will sort you out with three drones.

    We are 70 years beyond Second World War. The generation with those memories are fading Let us see how it plays out.

    Thank you for your note.

  11. We were certainly born in an exciting and desperately sad era in the development and destruction of the African continent, Hannes.
    Thank you again so much for your insightful prose and thoughts it evokes. The safest part of all is that in a generation or two we shall all just be names in history, if it is not erased, as is happening elsewhere. Our children if they are fortunate enough to escape, will be elsewhere and the African continent will be preparing to carry the burden of Eastern hordes that have far less tolerance than the European colonialists. Take care, Sir and keep writing. Best regards.

    1. Thanks Simon. Just so sad; this needn’t have happened; Africa would be a prosperous paradise with decent governance.

  12. Anti-white racism becoming compulsive looks to be a present reality, but it is only one component of forces working to destroy established national identities and governmental systems that must be removed before the full operation of a “one world” oligarchic dictatorship. Some other parts of the machinery include the social conditioning of forced separation ( “social distancing” and other limitations), the training of having foreheads or hands scanned electronically, migration of schools from in-person classrooms to online instruction, and the “shortage” of hard coinage in the USA causing many businesses to accept only electronic transactions, not cash. Each of these was named clearly one or more times in Bible prophecy that can be readily discovered by careful study. Any denial of the seriousness of the times for all nations and peoples is delusional foolishness. Thank you, AfricaUnauthorised, for keeping those of us physically distant from Africa aware of what is occurring, since the major media combines are part of the deconstruction program.

  13. Thank-you. Wise words and I agree with you.

    People did not listen then when they were warned about Rhodesia and what would happen under ZANU-PF under Mugabe, simply called anyone who disagreed as racists and did not again listen when warned about South Africa under the ANC,. They were and still are called racists.

    Well here it is now and how do you like it so far? That is my response to the liberals.

    1. Unfortunately the liberals who made this happen are hard to find. When you flush them they just call you a ‘racist’ !

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