by Hannes Wessels

On 11 December the South African Constitutional Court delivered a scathing judgement against former president Jacob Zuma’s decision in 2014 to support a Mugabe initiated pseudo-legal manoeuvre to block a South African Development Community (SADC) tribunal ruling. This court had been constituted at the time of the formation of SADC and was designed to arbitrate disputes within the member states. The founding fathers of the community were explicit in the prohibition of any action taken against any person or entity motivated by race. This worked until Mugabe forcefully evicted 4000 white farmers on the grounds of their skin colour. When Zimbabwean courts were found wanting, the farmers took their case to the SADC tribunal and won. Suddenly a deified ‘Freedom-fighter’ was conclusively proved to be a vicious and destructive racist, that his actions were illegal and (all credit to the brave judges) his government was instructed to compensate the dispossessed. This was too much for Mugabe and his regional acolytes, so they simply closed the court and annulled the ruling.

Just what this new judgement means is far from certain, but it appears to clear the way   for new claims.

Unsurprisingly this landmark ruling in favour of the farmers has attracted little or no media attention. We need no reminding that this is because the complainants are white and whites have no place in Africa. Much easier to simply presume they brought this on themselves for being rapacious racists and leave it at that. But the facts reveal this is far from the truth. When those farmers were put to the sword they reluctantly took with them hundreds of thousands of employees and their dependents. In fact it took down an entire economy which imploded and generated a refugee stream into neighbouring countries and abroad that has run into millions of people. All of them, technically, have a claim for damages. The capriciousness of one man and his minions may have given rise to one of the most colossal civil claims in legal history with a potential quantum which is well-nigh incalculable.

Some of my compatriots are excited at the prospect of compensation. Much as I hope they are right, I fear the worst. They will get nothing. It’s an old game that whites never win.

My thoughts are based on what I’ve seen in a lifetime working in and wandering around southern and eastern Africa. Everywhere I have been I have been starkly exposed to grim reminders that the ‘liberation’ of Africa is synonymous with destruction. I have seen farms, factories, homes, beautiful buildings and entire infrastructures rendered derelict through wilful neglect and wanton destruction. Pristine towns and suburbs turned into ugly slums. Nothing forcibly bequeathed by our ancestors has been maintained, appreciated or improved upon and nobody has been compensated for the damage done.

In the same vein, looking back on the farm seizures in Zimbabwe I am not sure if the actual purge was the worst part or the aftermath; the former was terrible and often terrifying but then watching what was built so painstakingly and diligently over, in some cases, almost a hundred years, being plundered, broken and rendered fallow and lifeless is probably the unkindest cut of all. If the undeserving recipients of these farms had taken these magnificent properties and treasured them and maintained their lustre my anger might have been somewhat assuaged. This is the ongoing tragedy which enters, probably, its final chapter in South Africa today.

Unquestionably the most sophisticated and industrialised country on the continent, the work done by legions of migratory Europeans over centuries is rapidly being undone. Virtually all organs of state are corrupt and dysfunctional, all the country’s once prosperous parastatals are bankrupt, water and power utilities are collapsing, a rail system that until recently provided efficient and cost-effective connectivity is crumbling. Against this background the proposed eviction of white-farmers will usher in another continental catastrophe.

Lost to history, thanks in large part to the liberal fascists who control our media and teach our history is the fact that over centuries, many thousands of hard-working, well intentioned men and women from Belgium, Britain, Germany, Portugal, Holland, France and elsewhere left their homelands and risked everything in remote and hostile territories to forge new futures and build new countries. They did not come to loot and murder as our children are taught, they came to construct and contribute and they expended massive amounts of blood, sweat and capital. Then the tectonic political plates shifted and in the blink of an eye they went from being celebrated servants in the Christian quest to spread civilisation and modernity, to racist opportunists sucking the commercial blood out of innocent natives whose tropical paradise had recently been wrecked by their rude arrival and subsequent residence.

We not really allowed to read Rudyard Kipling in these politically correct days but his poetry remains powerful and prescient:

Take up the White Man’s burden
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper —
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go make them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.











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12 thoughts on “The White Man’s Burden”
  1. I have to agree with the sentiments claiming the failure of Africa is “deliberate”.

    There is no possible way, with all the technology, education and resources available to everybody now, that Africa can continue on its accelerating downward spiral by any means, except by wilful choice.

    It simply has to be what, at his core, the African really wants. It simply cannot be blamed on an accident, or colonial interference, any longer.

    Even if this concept boggles our western minds……

  2. Many of us born in Rhodesia and who were involved in the bush war and who have stayed in the country and experienced the last chaotic 38 years of misrule while the west turns the other way, must ask the question, “why?” and “what is this all about?” as nothing seems to get any better or make any sense. Brian Johnston’s comment “It is surely deliberate” is precisely that – deliberate – it can only be. Many of us who were around during the time Zimbabwe came into being will remember the Commonwealth Monitoring Forces submitted over one thousand affidavits (see Ian Smith’s book, The Great Betrayal, page 332) to the British governor, Lord Soames to the effect the elections were not free and fair. Soames, obviously acting on instructions from a higher authority ignored these affidavits which came from monitoring points countrywide, and the rest of the sordid tale is history. So who is actually behind this? Who exactly are these people in western governments or people to whom western governments seem to be subservient to that have created such mayhem and misery on this continent and what are they up to? If one studies decolonisation in Africa, one notices a thread of continuity from the first British colony to be given its “freedom.” This country was Ghana (previously the Gold Coast) and power was handed over to one Kwame Nkuruma in 1957. It is common knowledge that as each country became independent, total chaos, corruption, misery and anarchy ensued. Not one lesson was learnt as each country, one after the other descended into chaos and misery. No African despot could do any wrong and it seemed almost as if Britain went out of her way to hand over to the very worst leaders they could find. Very obviously Britain did not WANT any of these countries to function once they had pulled out and I maintain this is exactly what they, and the governments of the whole of the western world at large wanted. The one African country that refused to committ suicide, Rhodesia, was then hated way, way out of proportion to the “crimes” she had supposedly committed, sort of like hanging someone for a parking ticket offence. So what did our detractors do? They ratcheted up their propaganda machines of hate and lies against us through all the mainstream media outlets which they were in control of. Everyone is now watching as the final horror story of Africa unfolds in South Africa and once again, not a peep of concern from western governments about the plight of members of their own tribe in Africa. So back to the original question. Who exactly is doing this? I believe the answer to this lies partly in the chaotic situation we have been seeing unfold in Europe with forced mass migration of uneducated peasants who very obviously do not want to assimilate into European society and who have been causing massive civil and social unrest and no amount of protesting by the European population seems to make any difference at all, in fact the authorities of those countries seem to be accelerating their intake of these people who will not be able to contribute in any way to civilized society. Why would a government want to do this to their own people? I see a parallel here with what has happened in Africa. They actually WANT chaos. Why? So that the criminal elite (ie, the much talked about globalism) can establish a global communistic society from the ashes of previously ordered, prosperous, generally happy, law-abiding and moral countries, people who they perceive as a threat to their objectives. In short, global communism is their goal. This is why they hated Rhodesia so much but we were no pushover. I believe Zimbabwe is a microcosm of what they want to achieve globally, ie, the destruction of the middle class and all that remains is a peasant polulation who are totally subservient to the ruling elite. I believe this is beyond theory, as we are seeing this happen before our eyes. If one does a few searches on the alternative media about Sweden, one will see they are a completely defeated country without a shot being fired. These globalists are very good at what they do and are totally ruthless. In ending, I believe what has happened in the U.S. with the Trump phenomenon is because the same bunch of elitist, globalist criminals, (they are all part of the same club) as in Europe, have been trying to implement the same policys in their own countries now that Africa with its meddlesome self-sufficient, gutsy and prosperous white population have been taken care of, on their own people, a lot of who hold the same values and have the same qualities as the whites they have destroyed in Africa. When one gets past the lying mainstream media (the alternative media is a good place to start) with their liberal agenda as taught by their masters, one can see there is actually a revolution going on in the U.S. against these criminal, elitist despots and Trump is leading the charge. If lying news medias like CNN have any value it is to see the blind hatred they have for Trump. Like Ian Smith was during the 1970’s, Trump today is one of the most loathed people on the planet. The way this world works, leaders who are loathed to this extent must be doing something right.

    1. I agree with you Alistair. Trump has rudely interfered with the ‘globalist’ agenda, and they are going to be rid of him no matter what it takes. In the process we are witness to a Department of Justice and FBI that has been totally politicised by Obama who was a ‘stooge’ for these people. Trumps position on Global Warming has proved particularly irksome.

  3. Once again Hannes, you have nailed it on the head, whitey genes, world over, is on borrowed time at this particular point in time.

  4. Another excellent article Hannes.
    It’s articles like this that remind us that our forefathers achieved a miracle in Africa and raised the standard of living for millions.
    Today’s rampant pace of destruction is hard to watch as we have ringside seats to new lows.

    1. Yes I feel like all we have watched for most of our lives is destruction and it becomes wearisome.

  5. The de-colonisation/independence and destruction of a number of African nations is well known. When it was Rhodesia’s turn the end result which has occurred must have been foreseen. Therefore Rhodesia was deliberately destroyed. It cannot be blamed on ignorance.
    Now it is South Africa’s turn to be deliberately destroyed. The destruction is not ignorant nor incidental. It is surely deliberate.
    As in Rhodesia, the communist ‘terrorists’ when rising up were encouraged to dynamite infrastructure which raises the question; Why destroy what has to be rebuilt? The only answer must be that there was no intention to rebuild.
    The infrastructure in Rhodesia was largely untouched and the same for SA excepting that the infrastructure in SA is now being destroyed by other means. Someone somewhere knows exactly what they are doing. The depopulation of Africa must play a major part and the Black despots who seized power must to an extent be in on it and have subsequently sacrificed their own people for their own greed and lust for power. A recent report stated that SA’s electricity network will run out of money by the end of January – looting may have played a large part.

  6. Hannes – this article MUST be given to your daughter with instructions to keep it somewhere safe for another 50 years or so and then be presented as evidence of the tragedy of African Revolutionary Independence……..perhaps in the future the world will come to realise the evil destruction of these clowns……….

    1. Thanks Trevor. I’ll tell them you said so because they don’t listen to me!!

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