Hannes Wessels,
For anybody who enjoys following world news, whether you like the man or not, Donald Trump is certainly making for fascinating reading and viewing, triggering massive mayhem in all sorts of ways in all sorts of places. I must confess, I’m enjoying watching the political gymnastics of some of those caught up in the whirlwind!
After Jacob Zuma, I, like many South Africans, was guardedly relieved to see Ramaphosa take power, and dared to hope the country might be steered on a more sensible course. Unfortunately, those hopes have been well and truly dashed. While presenting a more polished façade than his predecessor, corruption and incompetence continue to characterise ANC misrule; and while the people suffer, he has been very visible and vocal comporting himself around the world bestowing his imagined wisdom on lesser mortals who lack his sagacity.
To tumultuous applause from many at home around the world, he led the legal charge against Israel at the ICC (International Criminal Court), cozied up to Iran, and with much aplomb, signed the confiscatory Land Expropriation Act into law. Then came shock and outrage when the president of the United States pilloried him in public, suspended aid and let him know in brutally blunt terms that institutional racism and chronic anti-American behaviour has consequences. This unprecedented abuse upset dear Cyril greatly.
The reaction from the presidency has been multi-faceted. Predictably, the Afrikaner-led pressure group, AfriForum got it in the neck first for tittle-tattling, and then Elon Musk got a call from Ramaphosa. Just what was said is unknown, but he clearly got little traction from Musk who is still waiting to be told why South Africa has more racial laws on the statute books than existed under Apartheid, and who refused to release Starlink into the country because he has to give 30% of the company to one of Cyril’s pals.
The president then went on to mollify the many who know how much a trade-war and poor relations with Washington will cost the economy and the people of South Africa by telling them he was busy constituting a ‘high-powered’ delegation to travel to the US. This group, Ramaphosa believes, will explain and placate the Trump’s administration! But it looks like we will never know, because the Americans don’t seem to have anyone in high places with the necessary time and inclination to meet them. This seems to have rattled Cyril, who has taken to the hustings at the G20 (America only represented by low-ranking consular officials) and elsewhere to rabbit on about the ‘catastrophic reality’ of ‘climate change’ and that familiar refrain about ‘reparations’ for slavery. And now, just in case there might be a little glory in the offing, he has invited the Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky on a State Visit.
This latest gambit might add insult to injury with Trumpworld, which has recently clarified what some of us have known for a while. Zelensky’s term in office has expired, he is no longer legitimate, he is clearly terrified of an election because he will lose, all opposition in the country has been silenced, at least one American journalist has been murdered in detention, Christianity is under siege and the war has been a front for possibly the biggest money laundering operation in history. Even Zelensky admits $100 Billion has gone ‘missing’. So, with Zelensky on the ropes he and Cyril will have plenty to commiserate about but not sure where they go from there.
Well maybe I’m wrong; there is Europe after all, and the EU have sent the South African president a message of support in his time of need with the nasty Americans being so beastly to him. This would have doubtless cheered him, but the Europeans are not far from being in the same boat as Zelensky.
After years of bravado and beating of war drums in the call to arms against Russia they have just got the collective fright of their lives with the Trump team telling them to get stuck in and go forth without American military might and dollar billions they have taken for granted for the last 50 years. This has caused outrage and more, (one German MP burst into tears at the Munich conference – bring out the smallest available violin!), as they look at themselves and realise they have gutted their militaries and are almost defenceless against an aggressive Putin.
Which is why Trump, quite understandably, has chosen to ignore this constellation of once great countries, and end the tragedy in Ukraine without them. Rubbing salt in the wounds, US Vice President Vance, told them to their face, Europeans have more to fear from themselves by oppressive ‘liberal-fascist’ laws destroying free speech than they do from the Russians.
And there have been some hilarious put-downs. Asked about any possibility of Prince Harry being deported for allegedly lying about drug-taking on his US Visa application Trump showed compassion: ‘No,’ he said, ‘that guy’s got enough problems with his wife … she’s terrible!’.
When asked about the floundering British Prime Minister Keir Starmer coming to Washington and what they would be discussing, Trump was unable to hide his contempt; ‘I don’t know,’ he replied, ‘ask him, he asked to come here, I didn’t’.
It remains to be seen if Sir Keir brings his Foreign Secretary along; on top of previous anti-Trump insults by Starmer, David Lammy showed exceptional emotional intelligence in previously calling Trump a ‘racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser’ a ‘tyrant and a women-hating neo-Nazi sympathising sociopath’.
If Lammy does have the gall to trot along with his Prime Minister to toady in the Oval Office, maybe President Trump will empathise because the mouthy Foreign Secretary has made mistakes in the past – and we are human after all, aren’t we?
When asked on a quiz show what Hitler’s first name was, Lammy replied ‘Heil’. Achtung! Nobody ever asserted that you need a Musk-level IQ to assume the office of British Foreign Secretary!
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Anthony, reading all the comments to what you posted here I think you need a bit of help navigating your way back to reality!!!
He certainly needs help. He told me he worked for Robert Mugabe (the shining light of democracy in Zimbabwe) and “( I quote)… didn’t not agree with him.”
There has been no reply as yet, so I imagine that wasn’t a typo, and he does think that despot Bob was a fine fellow.
I would NEVER say I didn’t not agree with him. What sort of English is that?
If that is indeed what you read don’t you think it was an error? Your “gotcha” is not one after all.
I want to remind you that without people like Jake Harper Ronald, myself and other officers who remained at home while you cowards took the chicken run, there would have been scores of whites jailed unfairly. Instead of insulting my service think of the sacrifices we made to make sure there were a minimum of unfair arrests on trumped up charges.
But did I expect any different comments from you? No.
Read your own comment …. about how you “didn’t not ” agree with Bob Mugabe.
You are starting to sound like Donald Trump talking about Zelenskyy. “The guy is a dictator”. Then a week later, denying he ever said that.
Why are you suddenly turning on your god Trump?
What about my other comments. Care to respond to those?
No. They are so trivial and off piste, so not worth the time.
Anthony you seem to be the only one who can see these “glaring facts!”
Ref Anthony Roberts comment on 26th February, 2025:-
“He, (ie, Trump) and now Musk pose the greatest danger to world peace and stability!”
I am battling to understand how you think. The Democrats under Biden (and before Biden) hugely financed Hamas (ref the USAID scandal) and the puppet Obama transferred BILLIONS of dollars to that axis of evil Iran to finance their nuclear (AKA nuclear bomb) programme. In turn, Iran has been financing muslim jihadi hatred for years and years to the tune of countless billions of dollars! My observations are that Trump and his team has been very proactive in dismantling virtually everything the previous criminal Biden administration put in place. I am seeing all the old traditional values that underpinned the best of western civilisation being brought back yet you say Trump and Musk are a danger to world peace and stability!! How so? Please explain.
I might add the following question: Trump has reached out to the Russians and Chinese and suggested they all cut military spending by 50% in an effort to reduce the risk of war; does this strike Mr, Roberts as the action of a warmonger?
Trumps words don’t always match his actions. Who knows what diabolical plan he is trying to hatch?
Time will tell.
He cannot.
Sorry I can’t help you navigate glaring facts. Good luck to you.
I find it fruitless to respond to your delusional trumpist alternate facts. You figure it out.
I worked in the Office of The President in Zimbabwe as Head of the DPRK Counterintelligence Desk, and for several months in 1990 the USSR Desk.
During this time I made several trips to Moscow and other parts of the Soviet Union, including Kiev.
Without going into too much detail, Zimbabwean medical students were being thrown from several stories up for fraternizing with the local women.
The KGB gave them a choice. Voluntarily go home after being ” diagnosed with HIV” or throw yourself from several stories up. Because the AIDS epidemic, still in its infancy was so frightening and astigmatic, the majority of students opted to commit suici de rather than return home.
I can vouch for the fact that from the moment you entered Soviet airspace to the time you left it.
I’m am convinced that, given Trump’s voracious taste for prostitutes and easy sex, that he was a sitting target for a Honey Trap, which is dangled before anyone, man or woman, who enters the country. There is the legend, unproven, that he was a victim of Kompromat that enabled them to turn him into a Russian asset, or in laymen’s terms a spy or traitor.
His recent actions further convinced me that he is indeed beholden to Putin at whatever cost to the West, and our traditional allies.
Comrade Krasnov which means Red is now a servant of Putin and aspiring tyrant.
Time will tell just how much they have on him.
He may have become embroiled
I think even the Democrats, including Adam Schiff, who cooked up the “Russia Hoax” collusion story, have given up trying to peddle the line about Trump and the infamous ‘golden shower’ episode in a Moscow hotel because it never happened. I hope under the new administration we will hear more about this monstrous deception and I hope some of the proponents are held to account.
Interesting. Let’s say Trump did get leg over with a Russian female, planted by Putin? So what? Does that in itself relate to his political vision? Been gong on since Adam. Best he forgets it, let Putin announce it
The Stormy Daniels case was reverse standards, woke to the core – a prostitute takes money for opening her legs, is seen as a hero? Trump made out to be a criminal because he has to pay her to do what she should have done anyway, and that’s treat the meeting as confidential?
Thanks for your perspective. Please do not use the word woke in any communications with me. It is not a word I use or subscribe to. In fact I hold people who use this word in the same regard as I do brainless amoebas.
With Respect,
Worked for that well-known upholder of democracy, Robert Mugabe. That must read well on your CV and adds a huge degree of veracity to everything you say.
Your ignorance is showing. All my work in DPRK and USSR intelligence were done with the CIA, MI6 and other Western partners.
If you do not know that despite a despots reputation, there are times when cooperation must be placed ahead of diplomatic considerations.
I worked with your mucker Jake Harper-Ronald ex SAS and 2 Para. I didn’t d not agree with Mugabe and in fact Jake and I were often threatened with incommunicado detention, torture etc for disagreeing with ZANU PF and our higher ups. I’m extremely proud of the work I did, often saving your friends and relatives from being unfairly arrested or politically targeted. It worked well on my resume and in fact I was able to work as as analyst in the Green zone in Iraq in 2004 where I was able to see the burned body of Gray Branfield after it’s return from Fallujah.
What have you done other than whinge about better days
With Respect,
I do not know who the Jake Harper-Ronald is, let alone he being my “mucker”.
I also note (I quote you) “I didn’t not agree with Mugabe”. So, what that tortured statement reveals is that you agreed with Mugabe. Right? So like I said….?
OMG its nutty Errol again. The fact that Anthony Roberts, probably ex-BSAP, worked for dictator Robert Mugabe is indicative but not conclusive of anything. Lots of ex-BSAP types did the same, some are related to me, life is complicated. In my opinion the issue is COMPETENCE. Anthony Roberts has expressed opinions that stipulate to his INCOMPETENCE and I say “thank GOD for that”. The head of Zimbabwe DPRK counter-intelligence (whatever that is) and then the USSR desk hardly impressive outside of Zimbabwe. I haven’t looked into Anthony Roberts yet, but if or when I do, we’ll know all about him.
A great piece as usual Hannes.
I reflect your views on Trump 100% but I am also thoroughly enjoying watching how some of his picks for important government positions are handling their jobs. For example what a ball of fire is the new press secretary Karoline Leavitt who’s predecessor was that retarded, lesbian DEI hire. And Pam Bondi the new AG also seems to be on fire causing terror amongst the Democrat swamp rats but for me the litmus test regarding how serious they all are is when I see people like Chuck Schumer, Pencil Neck Schiff, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci and Nancy Pelosi (amongst many others) actually arrested and thrown in jail pending criminal charges. So far I have seen no action in that direction which worries me a bit.
I can understand why that might take time but not sure what the delay is for regarding the Epstein files??
The delay in releasing the Epstein files is simple.
Trump was Epstein’s closest ally and fellow p******.
There will be extensive redacting or wholesale removal of CHUNKS of the file before it will be released, if ever.
The only surprise will be the absence of Trump’s name given that they were joined at the hip.
I think Trump has acknowledged he had a relationship with Epstein a long time ago but this was followed by some sort of disagreement and the relationship ended?
I have no strength to respond…..
Thrown in prison for what.
Start with Trump, for sedition.
He, and now Musk pose the greatest danger to world peace and stability.
You are kidding right? You believe Chuck Schumer, Pencil Neck Schiff, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci and Nancy Pelosi have done nothing to warrant being locked up??? You have either been living under a rock (sans internet) Mr Roberts, or you have a serious assimilation issues my buddy – these people are lying, cheating, treasonous arseholes of the highest order.
Thank you.
Maybe I do have serious assimilation issues after 36 years here..
And maybe the Internet in Orange County California, one of the most conservative and affluent places in the US has been experiencing load shedding.
With Respect
You sure your time working with the DRPK and USSR has not turned you? After all, you state that you did not disagree with Mugabe. (Which is the same as saying you agreed with him!)
Another interesting op-ed Hannes & pleasing to read you are buoyant again as I was concerned that there were few & far between opinions of current affairs from you. Keep them coming especial as Trumps A-Team have got through the Senate approval – they sure will be a recking ball, hopefully just in the nick of time.
Incredible what is happening Chris, the world order is undergoing massive change, and I think the Chinese and the Russians are going to find common ground with Trump which everyone shout be happy about but for some their loathing of Trump seems to alter their judgement.
Here in the UK, we have the makings of a police state, with two-tier justice emerging by the day. If you are white you are 2nd class. If you disagree with the Starmer gang, you are dangerous far-right. Starmer tries to control the narrative has been overtaken by new-kid-on-the-block, Reform UK.
Reform are now ahead of Starmer in ALL the opinion polls by at least two percentage points and the pollsters calculate ReformUK will be very close to winning the next election if it were held now. The conservatives languish miles behind and are as irrelevant as the Greens.
Staermer and his socialist/Marxist gang are quaking in their boots as they try to understand their crap is over, shot to ribbons by the USA sanity.
New World Order. Yes, please.
Great article, loved it.
How satisfying it is to see the woke brigade, the Wests social cancer, put in their place. It is going to be fascinating to see how it progresses run on the principles of common, practical sense and not the shallow ignorance and self loathing of the Left.
Trump’s machinations are epic, they are very, very clever and well thought out. I am fascinated how the recovery of America’s squandered tax billions is never far from his thoughts and actions. How Squirrel, or anyone in the ANC even, can even FACE his electorate after their abject failure since they were given SA’s reins in 1994, is testimony to their thick skin, and that they just don’t give a crap about those they were elected to serve. It would be too much to hope for that anyone in SA Politics take note of how good governance is actually done
My favourite Soapy