Hannes Wessels,
Growing up as I did, in post UDI Rhodesia, I was exposed early to the deceptive habits of wily British politicians. My adolescent naivete notwithstanding, I was puzzled and distressed by the fact that none of them seemed to have any interest in knowing the true situation on the ground, let alone allowing the facts to influence their judgement.
For them it was quite simple, and it suited their audience and their constituents; Ian Smith was an unrepentant racist obsessed with power to maintain white privilege, and Robert Mugabe was a fearless freedom-fighter risking his all for the sake of the horribly oppressed black majority. By their implacable aversion to the truth they were well placed to signal their virtuousness to the loud applause of the international community. Sadly their message was well received by the global community and amidst universal jubilation Robert Mugabe won power and the rest is a sad story.
Unfortunately for the many good people of the United Kingdom, they are on the receiving end of similar behaviour, with their politicians’, and public officials’ exhibiting the same penchant for peddling falsehoods, dodging the truth, and ‘virtue-signalling’ which has now brought the country to the brink of catastrophe. I refer to the rape rings of Pakistani immigrants that have flourished in over 50 towns and cities in the UK
Thanks to the intervention of Elon Musk, who, with a few short, sharp, but very pertinent public interventions on ‘X’, has blown the lid off the can of worms that have been bottled up by the British media and successive governments over a period of more than 20 years and what is now revealed has all the hallmarks of a self-inflicted cultural and generational national tragedy that resonates with what happened in Rwanda and Bosnia.
Recent figures indicate as many as 250,000-plus, almost exclusively, white Christian, underage girls from mostly poor or ‘working-class’ homes, have, over the last two decades, been victims of almost unimaginable sexual-related horrors at the hands of well organised Pakistani ‘grooming gangs’. The perpetrators were cunning and ruthless, paying special attention to girls in poorly supervised foster care whose absence would not be missed. Some of these homes were actually managed and supervised by men in cahoots with the rapists, or assisted by rogue Pakistani police officers. To the police and political establishment these children were simply dismissed as ‘white slags’ getting what they deserved. In many instances the police declined to intervene arguing there was consent to the activity, ignoring the fact that it is legally impossible for a girl under the age of 16 to give ‘consent’ to sexual intercourse. In several instances underage girls themselves were arrested in rape dens, drugged and drunk, in the presence of Pakistani males. Some of these girls have testified that they were raped over 1000 times.
Staggering cruelty is being revealed in the city of Oxford, that elite academic centre; one perpetrator prepared his victim “for gang anal rape by using a pump… You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men. At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet.”
Lucy Lowe died at 16 alongside her mother and sister when the man abusing her burned the family home down. She had given birth to one child and was pregnant at the time of her death.
Another girl, aged 14, after making repeated reports of rape and brutal abuse was then ‘married’ off to her abuser with the sanction of the social worker tasked with caring for her.
Virtually none of the survivors have emerged from this living hell of an experience sans permanent physical or mental damage.
What is now beyond question, is these monsters were able to operate with almost total impunity because officials at every level, from politicians, to prosecutors to policeman, despite knowing exactly what was transpiring, agreed to look the other way and do nothing.
In fact, that is not entirely true, on occasions, the police and prosecution service, then headed by Sir Keir Starmer, did spring into action and arrest the parents of abused children when their pleas for someone to save their daughters became too rancorous and risked offending the sensibilities of the offenders. And the law-enforcement authorities, under political instruction, were also very energetic in silencing, and in some cases imprisoning, people who had the temerity to register a dissenting voice on social media platforms.
As head of the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) and the country’s most senior law enforcement officer at the time when these thousands of girls were being raped, there is little doubt Starmer was aware of the outrages; not only did he ignore their calls for help, but he probably failed to give the crucial instructions to law-enforcement throughout the country to investigate or prosecute. This is the same Keir Starmer who called President Trump a ‘racist’ and an ‘affront to humanity’ in the course of the riots that wrecked American cities following the death of George Floyd. He is also head of the government that is refusing to open a proper public inquiry into what can only be described as a crime against humanity.
The fact that virtually the entire British police force and council social services officers could find nobody with the courage and compassion to do his or her duty and help these poor girls is beyond belief, and speaks to an entrenched soullessness at the heart of a nation once known as free, fair and ‘Great’.
Why is it that this greatest ever community atrocity in the history of the UK, perpetrated for decades and continuing to this day, has not resulted in a single prosecution, conviction and incarceration of these officials for gross dereliction of duty in public office?
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Its sickening how the so called elite and intelligent liberal / socialists world-wide, are able to keep their soft heads buried so deeply in the sand. Such cowards simply unable to face the truth, let alone do anything about the abject and criminal behavior of amoral parasites extruded by backward cultures around the world.
In the UK, the conspiracy of silence among the national government, local government, the judiciary and the police is rooted in their collective guilt as perpetrators or complicit in their inaction for party political aims.
Thank you Hannes for your excellent article and willingness to step up to the fight against these horrible people.. We must never stop praying for those poor girls and their families, nor ever give up the fight against evil..
A word to all British politicians and policemen out there: the Word of God clearly states that every one of you that hides behind corrupt laws and orders claiming “it is out of our hands” while full well knowing what is going on is JUST AS GUILTY AS THE PERPETRATORS DOING IT ! The blood of these innocent children will be required from you as soon as you exhale your last breath here on earth…. Your own gutless characters will condemn you..
Yes, Jimmy Robinson is a forgotten hero
Brilliant article Hannes and Tommy Robinson has been the real warrior in exposing all this evil.
I first heard about the Muslim grooming/rape gangs in the UK about five years ago. At that time I was only aware of two Brits trying to bring it to the attention of the public as their gutless police force was doing nothing but looking the other way and pandering to the whims of their political handlers. Those two individuals were the well-known Tommy Robinson and Paul Weston of the UKIP political party – TWO ONLY! Both those individuals have been arrested for anti-Islam comments. Then later on people like Katie Hopkins and Paul Joseph-Watson joined the fray. Then later on Nigel Farage started using the words ‘treason’ and ‘treachery’ when describing the antics of the British government at the time. The crime of treason and treachery used to carry the death penalty but no longer it seems and the government simply carried on doing what they do best, ie, wrecking, destroying and betraying their country by importing hoards of savages who hate them and who refuse to assimilate. This got me wondering why, due to the British police doing nothing, those famous British special forces regiments like the SAS, SBS, Paras and Marines were also sitting on their rear ends doing nothing while very obvious acts of betrayal, treason and treachery were going on around their ears and in their faces in the form of mass uncontrolled migration by savages who were happily gang-raping their way through thousands of their own kith and kin in the form of young, white British girls, completely wrecking their lives. I have since learnt the sad reality that the above-mentioned British Army Regiments have also been cowed and neutered by the wokerati, DEI, (Diversity, equity and inclusion) LGBTQ+, blah, blah, blah, madness. See link below on the demise of the British SAS. Simply beyond belief!
I have lived in the UK for 31 years since leaving South Africa in 1993. In that time, I have experienced the slow demise of Democracy as the indigenous Brits are squeezed into an ever-diminishing role in the affairs of the country. At the same time, East Asian (Mulsim) influence has flourished, and with it, the inevitable erosion of civilised values as they are treated as a protected species, above the law all others must adhere to. The white politicians are terrified of the Muslim vote. In many constituencies, the Muslim vote elects the Member of Parliament. These are mainly Labour constituencies, and the white candidates are told very clearly that they must vote for the Muslim point of view (no matter how barbaric) or they will lose their seat. But all is not lost as finally, the Indigenous Brits are abandoning the established parties, Conservative and Labour, and are voting for change; that change started at the last election in July 2024 when ReformUK won 5 seats, a pin-prick in a parliament of 650, but a significant start. The ReformUK membership has rocketed from about 20,000 to over 180,00 in a few months, has overtaken the Conservatives and is closing in on Labour and is expected to beat their figures in the next couple of months. The next General Election is 5 years away, but the very important County Council elections are due in May of this year… so frightened are the Labour and Conservative mobs that they are attempting to distort democracy by delaying those elections until “some time in the future.” That is the tactic employed by dictators….. and it is exactly what is happening here in the UK today.
Errol, reading your post in isolation, I can identify and somewhat agree with your general sentiments. On the other hand, your comments to a different article, vis-a-vis the Ukraine debacle, you sound like an ignoramus. I asked myself, why is this? Some of my ex-Rhodesian relatives, now living in the UK have fallen into the same trap. Why can’t you parse the old communist USSR from the contemporary Russian Federation? Why are you ignorant about modern Russian history vis-a-vis NEOCON – USA/EU/NATO delusions and adventurism. Why can’t you appreciate that such adventurism is an existential threat to Russia from NATO in Ukraine. You seem trapped in an old cold war mentality that no longer exists. Errol, the old Communist Stalanist regime is dead and buried. The NEOCONS in the USA are defeated. The Ukraine has been reduced to rubble and is on a survival drip that is about to be turned off. And, you sit in your comfortable chair in the UK pontificating about something that could never gave been. Worst of all you claim a moral high ground, without a regard to your consequences. Errol, FGS, use your brain.
It took you a while to prepare that… or did you have to wait for approval from Moscow?
“Ukraine has been reduced to rubble”. Really, what planet are you on…. or are you confusing Ukraine with Gaza?
Your mighty Russia is scrambling to save face and has had to resort to begging North Korea for help to feed the mincing machine the Russian troops are being fed into. The “Special Operatiin” that Putin launched is now a clock ticking in tune with the death rattle of Moscow.
If the US wanted to “switch off” Russia it could do so in 10 minutes, same with North Korea. The worst thing that happened to Putin was that Trump won the US presidency again. Last time around the Putins (aka Russia/North Korea/China/Iran) knew their place and did not dare put a foot out of place. Biden emboldened them and the world has seen the consequences. Now Trump will press the factory reset button and the Mafiosa will creep away.
Your weasel words concerning present-day Russia ring rather hollow.
Russia & Co are no more than Mafia-style regimes. Murder and loot are the order of the day for the favoured few.
I know it must be galling for those of your ilk to admit it, but the days of adventurism by the aforementioned Mafia are ended. Get used to it.
On another note.
I touched on the subject of Muslim influence in the UK. The Starmer gang has today rejected an attempt to redefine what terrorism is.
As of today, they have declared that only Muslim nutters and “Far Right” (aka Patriots) are now officially classed as Terrorists. It should be noted that gangs of Muslim men gang-raping white schoolgirls are not regarded as terrorists…. their action is dismissed as “cultural differences”. Furthermore, an opinion poll taken in the last couple of days revealed that a high percentage of Gen Z think the UK will be a better place if run by a dictator. As yet, it is unclear if that should be on the left or the right.
A survey in the last few days has revealed that the Labour Party is set to lose up to 80 seats at Westminster to the Muslims. That is why the softly-softly approach to anything touching on Muslim/Pakistani interests …. why they are allowed to have a couple of hundred Sharia Courts that are controlling justice (Muslim style) in our large cities. The Trojan Horse that infiltrated the UK between 1950 and 2000 is now controlling the stable. More from the crazy UK is that the police are now instructed not to use words like: blacklist, black sheep, blackout. …. as such may offend.
The people of Blackpool are worried, as are the distillers of Johnny Walker Black Label, and the makers of Black Magic Chocolates are also concerned. Traditional breakfast fare, black pudding, awaits its fate on the rack of political correctness. History books are being rewritten to remove references to The Black Prince and the Black Death. Shakespeare has been contacted and told to write the Blackamoor out of his play.
Anyway, your attempt to paint the Mafia states in shades of delicate watercolour is highly amusing.
I look forward to your response….once it has been approved by Moscow.
Pedophilia is the glue that keeps most western governments together. Montreal in Canada is known as a “pedophile friendly” city with judges often ruling in favour of child sex offenders, we know about Australia re Russell Pridgeon and Patrick O’Dea and now we know about that rotting, festering sore called Britain. Western society has regressed back thousands of years to the pagan societies of Babylon where Nimrod sacrificed babies and children to Baal. At least in those days it was right in everyone’s face but now it happens in highly guarded facilities and places and is often rife behind the scenes in institutions like the BBC and United Nations and of course the Catholic Church. I take my hat off to Elon Musk for exposing this on ‘X.’
Hannes…thanks for the excellent post …..very thought provoking ! However, I notice there was no mention of ‘Tommy Robinson’ ? He as been at the forefront of this disaster in the UK . He has been vilified, shamed and also jailed, twice, for his exposures about all this…..he is in jail right now . They have to separate him into solitary confinement…because the Moslem inmates have threatened to kill him !!
Yes I hear you Ian. I must say, I’m a Farage fan, but the way he denigrated Robinsson really concerned me. He’s been through hell and really only because he was one of the first to try and expose this outrage. Calling him a ‘thug’ and a ‘criminal’ was going too far and hats off to Elon Musk for coming out swinging. Anybody wanting to comment on Tommy needs to watch the Jordan Petersen interview.
Yes, Jimmy Robinson is a forgotten hero
As my mate Barney comments above, a similar, long standing and massive pedophile rape culture also remains ignored and completely unmanaged in Australia, and many other countries besides. Anyone helping the innocent are summarily vilified, punished and jailed by a slick, powerful and well-oiled system. Down under, where we absolutely KNOW the government, police and judiciary are complicit in the ongoing cover up, the British “powers that be” might even be deemed to be actively involved in this horrific attack on white British womankind. Anyone disputing this “wild” suggestion should know that a very nasty piece of shit called George Pell, a high-ranking Catholic Cardinal who was found guilty of five counts of homosexual rape, was FREED by the then Aussie government after a few short months of incarceration, on condition that he leave Australia. While in jail he was visited by two previous Aussie PMs and an AG – so you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out the how or the why!
Britons take heed, you and many other countries in Europe have let the fox (or rabid wolf rather) into the hen house – and I fear it is WAAAAAAY too late to reverse this horrific status quo.
Let us hope the USA’s returned saviour, President-elect Donald J. Trump, will point his vast resources, a revamped CIA and FBI, at this shameful global debacle. I cannot imagine the damage and anguish that this continues assault causes to innocent people.
Hi Hannes , never a truer word spoken. It seems to be happening in every country, the honkie is always he devil , but I think slowly but surely things are begining to change hopefully. People are getting angry with overseas aid etc at thier expense of their own people. Arab and black gangs running riot and very little recourse or deportations. Here is an excellent link for you to sees https://frontline.asn.au/news/love-her-or-hate-her-katie-hopkins-tells-it-as-it-is-another-reason-why-we-need-a-change-of-government-in-australia/
Yes, Hannes – this world in in crisis, and the poms are killing themselves.
After the war ended, and in ’56, my parents left UK with very little. My dad was in the navy at the time, having fought in Korea (I think), they realized there was nothing left in the UK for them. He said that all the good British people had either died at war, or had emigrated.
Towards the total collapse of Zim, he was asked if he would go back to the UK, and rejected the idea outright.
I am suggesting that the new regime in America is going to shed a lot of light where there is darkness, and like the Diddy affair, there are going to be a lot of shocking truths coming out which will have a cleansing results.
I am optimistic.
Steve I do agree with you that the best of Britain seem to have been killed in the wars or they went to the colonies? I cannot believe the cowardice of the British police.
Steve, England was named ‘Perfidious Albion’ by the Romans for good reason. Sir Kier Starmer is as perfidious as humanity can get. The good news is that POTUS Trump loaths Starmer, are we at all surprised?
All sane people in the UK (a growing number) live in the hope that Trump will give the UK an ultimatum. “Get rid of Starmer and his pack of jackals, or the US will do it for you.”
The trigger will be the Chagos Islands on which the US has a large and very important military base. Starmer is attempting to give it to Mauritius…..who are in the pocket of China. The implications of that are very evident…. the US will simply not allow it.
Your father was largely correct in that many – but not all – good men left the UK after the war. Their children (me included) inherited the patriotism and standards of their war weary parents and to a large extent so did their children in turn.
The trouble is the wokeism of subsequent generations borne of an over-generous welfare state and spread thickly by social media
Land this on top of a pair of our own exposing the same situation with officials in Australia. The very brave Mr Patrick ODea and Dr. Russel Pridgeon who are deemed to be in the wrong, no less.
“And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess [euphemism for slaves]” — Quran 4:24
This is the verse that makes it “lawful” for Muslim men to rape infidel women. And if you protest such behavior,
“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” — Quran 8:12
This needs to be circulated on twitter and fb