Will Keys
I bring to your attention the popular USA podcast, the Glenn Show. It is hosted by brilliant economist Prof. Glenn Loury and co-hosted by equally brilliant linguist Prof. John McWhorter. They invited subscribers to send in questions for discussion. My question was posed in the following way:
My quote: “I believe that the greatest scandal in US history was the 2020 stolen election. Economist Glenn Loury should be able to apply his brilliance to the arithmetic, vis-a-vis the number of mail-in-ballots / voter boxes, of Democrat votes cast in 2008 -2012 – 2016 -2020 and 2024. With courage Glenn can come to a conclusion.
The 2000 Mules movie documentary, will be helpful and was both brilliant and excellent in every respect. Unfortunately the movie was unjustifiably targeted by the Democrats and Deep State and to all intents and purposes cancelled.
Gentlemen, it will go against the grain but please give the matter a fresh look and be honest about what you find. Regardless, the truth will win-out in 2025. I argue that the 2020 travesty will have to be faced, if reconciliation with the Democrat Party is to be healed. I quote Lord Mansfield in the 1770 judgement in R v Wilkes: Fiat justitia, ruat caelum – “Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.’’ End of my quote.
Extract: Lord Mansfield used the phrase to refuse to be intimidated by the threat of chaos if he ruled in favor of a slave. He said, “The constitution does not allow reasons of state to influence our judgment. God forbid it should! We must not regard political consequences, however formidable they might be.
I now invite readers to undertake a simple assessment and evaluation of the facts: The source is US Election Numbers by Davis@Davish 6tyEdited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn0154SaU-U
2004 – 121,069,054 votes cast – GW Bush
2008 – 129, 446,839 “ “ – Obama
2012 – 126,849,299 “ “ – Obama 2nd
2016 – 128,838,342 “ “ – Trump
2020 – 155,507,476 “ “ – Biden
2024 – 129,347,671 “ “ – Trump 2
Note the 26 million unexplained voter-turnout in 2020. We bring your attention to the suspicious circumstances that occurred on election night. At about 11.00pm and without notice, some unknown authority acting ex parte, ordered that the ‘voting count be stopped’, to be continued the following day. The mainstream media obeyed and the electoral process halted until the next day. No satisfactory explanation has been provided.
The interrupted election counts were without precedent. At the time Donald J. Trump (“DJT”) was clearly leading in the polls and the result appeared to be a foregone conclusion. In the days that followed we witnessed an incredible decline in Trump’s electoral fortune and a GOP passivity that bordered on neglect.
Mysteriously, millions of votes were discovered and entered into the electoral process. It was obvious to blind Freddy what was happening. The count continued until the Democrat Party was able to claim victory. It was a shameful affair, and the GOP leadership appeared, if not content, then conditioned to the electoral accommodation. It was to be the biggest scandal in US history and the public seemed complacent, if not positively punch drunk.
The Democrat Party subsequently claimed that in 2020 the number of US votes cast, inexplicably rose by 26+ million voters. Keep in mind that 90%+ of the US bellwether counties voted for Trump as recorded in 2016, 2020 and 2024. That means that 26+ million additional votes were cast in 2020 and all exclusively for the Democrat Party. Such a statistic is impossible. Keep in mind that US records had no record of the 20+ million additional voters and thus they are ineligible to vote in an election. Where did these voters materialize from? Is the Democrat Party fetish for undocumented immigrants a ruse to cover for their 2020 criminality at the polls?
The electoral numbers cannot lie and the modus operandi was brilliantly explained, evidenced and documented in the docu-movie ‘2000 Mules’ produced and directed by Dinesh De Souza. De Souza came under considerable pressure from the US Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and was forced to retreat into the shadows. Dinesh was a past victim of the DOJ when he suffered a custodial sentence, based upon a contrived technical breach.
Dinesh faced the malicious enmity of the Clinton Crime family because of his reportage. The minor offence he admitted too was based upon ignorance of donor law. He gave a donation that was in excess of the prescribed maximum allowed. He was helping a friend in her election bid. Hardly a crime deserving
of a custodial sentence. Extract: “On September 23, 2014, the court sentenced D’Souza to five years’ probation, eight months incarceration in a halfway house (referred to as a “community confinement center”) and a $30,000 fine. On May 31, 2018, President Donald Trump pardoned D’Souza.”
POTUS Trump well knew that the election had been stolen, and so did the MAGA Movement. It is to be noted as a matter of fact and record, that DJT made every effort to seek a legal jurisprudential finding before a US court to decide the matter. Not a single court in the US granted POTUS Trump ‘certiorari’ to hear the evidence, and adjudicate the voter fraud allegations. The US Supreme Court (“SCOTUS”) whose duty it is to support the Constitution failed. So much for Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.
DJT discussed with his Vice-POTUS, Mike Pence, the Constitutional provisions to dispute the election results in the House of Representatives. Pence balked, and the mainstream media (“MSM”) reported the balk as an allegation that DJT was interfering in an electoral process. The SCOTUS later correctly stipulated POTUS Trump’s legality in the process.
SCOTUS having “chickened out’ in regard to Fiat justitia, ruat caelum, the MAGA Movement rightfully and Constitutionally protested ‘the steal’ in Washington DC and at Congress. The MSM sold the story to the public as a violent 6th January 2021 insurrection. Needless to say it was by no means an insurrection, it was in fact a righteous Constitutional protest.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) used clandestine collaborators as ‘agents provocateur’, for example Ray Epps. They employed a minimum of twenty-six such ‘agents provocateur’ to stir up trouble among the protesters. This was confirmed by the FBI’s own Inspector General in his Report to Congress. The FBI instructions to their provocateurs’ was to foment a riot and to encourage the protestors to “enter the Congress”.
The FBI having fomented and collaborated in the entrapment of its own citizenry, then claimed hero status and professional zealotry in the persecution of eight hundred plus such citizens. The Washington DC courts were no less culpable, and politically inspired judges relished in sentencing innocent protestors to hellish terms of imprisonment.
The only person to die on the day of the January 6th protest was Ashley Babbitt. She was murdered in cold blood by notorious Capital Hill
policeman, lieutenant Michael Byrd. She was climbing through a window when Byrd shot her in the neck at point blank range. Byrd, who had an unimpressive record as a policemen, has thus far escaped culpability.
POTUS Elect Trump has promised to pardon the Jan 6 protestors. The MAGA Movement will expect a good deal more in terms of retribution.
In conclusion it can be conclusively proven that the 2020 elections were stolen in a scandal of historic proportions. No wonder that the Democrat Party has been so murderous in its drive to prevent the truth from being told. They tried to impeach, imprison and finally assassinate DJT twice.
American political history under the leadership of the Clinton Crime Family, Barack Obama Crime Family and the Biden Crime Family is rightfully described as being woefully dishonest and corrupt. POTUS Joe Biden will leave the White House on January 20, 2024, under a cloud and facing almost universal condemnation.
The main point to take from this article, is that until and unless the 2020 election is proven in a US court of law. There can be no quarter given to the Democrat Party or individuals in the ‘Deep State’. Reconciliation follows contrition and a plea for mercy. It cannot be otherwise granted.
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.
By Will Keys
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