Will Keys,
Uninformable – Urban Dictionary. Means: Someone who cannot be informed, generally due to not wanting to understand your point of view or are extremely stuck in their ways.
A thermo-nuclear war and the extinction of mankind on earth is a potential that should give everyone the ‘Ezekiel hibbie-jibbies’. I will assume a level of sophistication and not bore the reader with a biblical explanation about Ezekiel.
I am deliberately injecting a degree of levity into an apocalypse (biblical revelation) potentiality. We are talking about the end of human evolution. If that is not enough to give an individual the nervous reaction to start shaking like a leaf, then they must be uninformable or in a vegetative state.
We are always deeply concerned about the proliferation of Thermo-Nuclear-Weapons or indeed biological or chemical or any other type of weapon of mass destruction. Our concern is that even under the most prolific strictures and double/treble fail-safe mechanisms, mankind still cannot be trusted.
Now we get down to the actual reason for our terrorisation and the Ezekiel hibbie-jibbies. It is the incompetence of the Biden Administration. The evidence of their stupidity is unwittingly on display every day. If it was wittingly, then we may have the hope of persuading them. However, they are intellectually challenged and thus unwittingly uninformable.
The mainstream media, that is to say in large part, those social media companies who can rely upon Section 320 from a 1996 Federal Law that exempts them from liability is an important component. These billionaire owners, who, for want a better name I will call the DAVOS group, are also blinkered uninformables.
Unfortunately they have been allowed to flourish, thanks in no small part, to the Republican Senator Mitch McConnell (the tortoise) and the House of Representatives Speaker, Democrat Nancy Pelosi (the witch).
The situation over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in which the USA has no geopolitical interest, has encouraged the DAVOS group to put pressure on the mainstream media to maximise the hysteria, and in turn conceivably start a world war and a thermo-nuclear exchange.
The uninformable politicians from both sides of the political divide may vote to act in circumstances that could set in motion a chain of human orders that once started cannot be reversed. This is what happened when the trains started running in the build-up to WW1; when politicians began to have doubts, it was too late to stop the momentum.
The danger of human misunderstanding is so obvious that at one time, POTUS Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis and the blockade, personally intervened in the chain of command to give orders to the ships captains himself. Fortunately for America and the world, Kennedy was a former naval officer and knew something about war and military systems. Even then a mal-adjusted USA Admiral tried to get in the way and trigger a catastrophe.
It is the present crop of powerful politicians that now pose the greatest threat to mankind. Consider the chain of command: POTUS Joe Biden; cognitively challenged, surrounded by staff who confected the Russia-collusion hoax. Vice-POTUS Kamala Harris; a woman who made her way up the political ladder by sleeping with influential politicians, who seems to burst into slightly hysterical laughter every time she is asked a serious question. President pro tempore, Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont; a far-left geriatric. Speaker of the House of Reps. Nancy Pelosi; showing signs of senility and also prone to hysterical outbursts. This highly unimpressive quartet form the direct chain of command for the USA. They could be the four horseman of the Apocalypse. God help us.
All the Biden Cabinet appointments are purely political. Merit is not the main consideration. Racial identit, ethnic diversity, gender affiliation and above all political loyalty, all ‘trump’ the key quality which should be merit.
The Democrat Party appointments to key positions are settled on inferior quality people. Take Secretary of Defence, Lloyd J. Austin. He was appointed primarily because he is an African American. Austin’s explanations and general performance before the Congressional Inquiry into the Afghanistan exit was utterly woeful.
The Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, as Under Secretary of State under Obama was in touch with and advising Hunter Biden while Hunter was making millions out of dodgy deals with the Ukraine government. Blinken’s statements and performance regarding this Ukraine fiasco have been irresponsible and dangerous. He actually pushed to have a ‘no fly zone’ instituted in Poland then changed his tune. His comments were embarrassing. These two officials are the point men for the USA in the Ukrainian struggle against Russia. They are not only incompetent they are hopelessly out of their depth. The USA has three more years of a deteriorating government. In fact, the overall Biden Administration has signaled to the world American vulnerability.
We wonder if the Pentagon war games planners ever envisaged a command structure so bereft of intellect and integrity. I think Putin noticed and thus the belligerence.
Now you know why we retreat into levity and euphemistically talk about shaking like a leaf with the Ezekiel hibbie-jibbies.
By Will Keys
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For anyone who has been following world affairs for more than 10 minutes this is a very succinct picture. Unfortunately, as always, most of the populace is powerless to have any influence on the imbeciles in charge. We can only wait and hope someone with a grain of sense prevails.
We couldn’t agree more. The epicenter for a political earthquake correction is on 6th Nov 22 at the USA midterms, and again on the same date in 2024 at the GE. I pray the US voters don’t drop the ball.
Here is a statistic which should alarm you:
In three weeks of war with Russia, approximately 600 civilians have died, according to the UN. In the same time, there have been at least 1400 murders in South Africa.
Who is truly at war?
Chris Waldburger.
Ag – that will be OK then – us okes in Southern Africa, will sommer have to go out again and populate the world all over again?
Hi Richard, thank goodness there is a silver lining LOL.
Will’s article is a good description of how fallen mankind will mess up anything he puts his hand to without reference to his creator. Mankind forgets that God is the creator and he is the clay. Rejection of God is at the heart of all this chaos. God’s Word will not return to him void but will accomplish that for which it was sent. The soul of mankind is full of corruption (sin), since the fall of Adam, and is destined for destruction but because God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son (Jesus) that whosoever believeth in him may inherit eternal life. Indeed Christ laid down his life and took upon himself the sin of the entire world giving mankind a clean slate to freely receive eternal salvation asking only that mankind should receive it. Furthermore, by the power of the Holy Spirit He defeated death and arose from the grave and sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven where He intercedes for mankind and prepares a place for those who choose life and will soon return to receive them unto himself. That is the good news. The bad news is that those left behind will face his wrath and a terrible judgement – definitely cause for feeling jittery, especially in the face of a prophecy that is panning out as accurately as Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. I encourage all to read those chapters and whilst doing so why not also read Ch 37 which is almost all fulfilled already. They are short chapters and I can guarantee you will not bore you at all.
Hi Don, I bow to your informed knowledge and opinion. Churchill is quoted as saying that one committed man of strong conviction is worth a hundred men who have no commitment and no convictions.
The fulfilment of prophecy is not without an element of the unusual. The ineptitude of the Biden administration may be exactly what’s required in order for 38:21 to play out. After all, how would every man’s sword prevail against his brother otherwise? And there again, we may still be a long way off at this moment in time. The beginning of labour pains, nonetheless.
Hi Shane. We hope you are wrong, you hope you are wrong, but your instincts appear to be sharp.
For me this is the important bit… So right and so well expressed – we need to be worried!!
“Consider the chain of command: POTUS Joe Biden; cognitively challenged, surrounded by staff who confected the Russia-collusion hoax. Vice-POTUS Kamala Harris; a woman who made her way up the political ladder by sleeping with influential politicians, who seems to burst into slightly hysterical laughter every time she is asked a serious question. President pro tempore, Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont; a far-left geriatric. Speaker of the House of Reps. Nancy Pelosi; showing signs of senility and also prone to hysterical outbursts. This highly unimpressive quartet form the direct chain of command for the USA. They could be the four horseman of the Apocalypse. God help us.”
Hi Ben, I believe the US military have opened up a twenty-four hour hot line with the Russian military. We are putting faith in some adults being in the bunker of both sides of the telephone. If there ever was to be a USA Coup d’etat, I hope it happens before some senile geriatric orders DEFCON three.
Ben, this sounds like Ray McGovern who you have quoted. His CIA credentials give weight to many of his arguments and I believe he’s worth a listen at the very least.
I might also say that some of the criticism in this thread against the publishers is a bit extreme. Hey Ho.
Hi Shane, I believe Ben is quoting from my article, and it is original.
Never to forget that in the presidential race, Kamala Hysterical Harris, was the very first one to be dropped out of the running!
The word “untalkaboutable”, also comes to mind!!!?
I have unsubscribed to this blog as the level of stupidity is too much to much to tolerate. I just cannot believe that people with any basic level of intelligence can spout the total rubbish that you do. And before you attempt something like “good riddance to and other lefty” remember what I said in a previous comment. It is idiots like you who are responsible for the loss of support to the Republican party.
Good riddance to another Wokie~Cokie Libtard👹👹👹👹
Well said brother.
Well said brother LOL.
Ooops me thinks Shumbaman’s a tad pisssed… “Oh well never mind hey” – as my Dad would say
Hi Ben, your Dad was a wise man LOL.