By Dr. John Pridgeon.
I am in awe of President Donald J. Trump’s choices for his senior cabinet. The valuable lessons of these last eight years have helped him to unerringly pick outstanding team leaders, who are by necessity all disruptors … they have to be as this big new broom must completely revamp the dreadfully corrupted existing agencies that make up the dog’s breakfast that was yesterday’s government of the United States. The swamp is being drained at last.
Especially astute, is the choice of Robert F. Kennedy Junior as his Secretary of Human Health Services. Making America Healthy Again was a large part of Trump’s recent election campaign promise, and I am sure in no small way, the very welcome prospect of American’s having their shocking health restored helped him to achieve his resounding victory. Essentially HHS runs the entire medical side of the American government’s activities, and includes entities such as the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, and more.
These hitherto captured, abused and distorted agencies have been doing Big Pharma’s bidding since WWII, unchecked and cleverly hidden, and their disease-causing policies have virtually gone on unnoticed. Until now. The recent verification of the existence of many nefarious medical lies, all labelled “conspiracy theories” by a captured MSM, have at long last brought the carefully concealed and appallingly destructive control of America’s health into public view.
To do what they did in the Covid ‘Scamdemic’, the shadowy orchestrators of this debacle had to show their hand, and the horrible truth is now irrefutable, for those who care and dare to look. And if anyone was wondering why anyone challenging the orthodoxy of these bent and paid for medical authorities was so viciously dealt with, wonder no more. No one messes with the ‘Devil’s Doctor’ and gets away with it. Until now.
The health of people living in the USA, and by extrapolation the health of the rest of the world (such is their authority in matters medical), has suffered in ways that can never be quantified, mainly because of the tireless efforts of one man. America spends, per capita population, many times the world’s annual average on its citizens’ health. And they are demonstrably the sickest nation in the world! This was intentional, carefully planned and cunningly implemented.
For the last 40 years, the crazy metrics showing virtually unlimited illness, are almost entirely attributable to the industry of one man, a sociopathic mass murderer by the name of Anthony Fauci. Dr Fauci makes every demonic doctor in history look like an angel. Even the notorious Josef Mengele is a rank beginner when compared to this fiendish bastard. Since he was made head of America’s NIAID in 1984, Fauci has, with malice aforethought, carefully and systematically ruined the health of his fellow Americans, killing an astonishing number of them.
And likewise to many more of us living elsewhere. Why? Follow the money, and imagine what increasing the number of vaccines from about seven when we arere all kids, to the 72+ vaccines MANDATED by the EPI (Extended Program of Immunisation) today costs you the end user, and the hundreds of billions of dollars this has generated for BP should help you understand. By the way, Social Services will remove your children from your care and schools stop their education, if you do not comply.
Ironically, he has been idolized for his actions! Since the HIV fiasco, Fauci’s very damaged public persona was reinvented (like was done with that wonderful philanthrope William Henry Gates III) to make him the most admired medical advisor to the last seven US presidents. Until now.
Fauci controlled a large proportion of the many billions of dollars that have been dished out by the US government, for R&D. Dr David Martin, cleverly using what is out there in the public domain (you can easily check his discoveries by conducting your own internet search) has shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that the hapless US tax payer funded the ‘gain of function’ research that produced the SARS CoV 2 bioweapon, by following the patent trail. A cursory examination of his policies and actions since 1984 will show him to have done, in most cases, the exact opposite of what should have been advised by any physician whose primary function was to improve America’s health. His inevitably counterproductive Covid recommendations make this last statement self-evident. If Tony Fauci or Mr. Tedros Ghebreyesus at the WHO tell you to do anything to improve your health, I recommend you do the exact opposite.
The date of his appointment coincides perfectly with the accelerated downward spiral of America’s general health. Certainly, things like the incidence of vaccine injuries, especially autism, shows an unmistakable rise from about 1989, for example. Tony got busy with his heinous agenda early on – it was Reagan who, only two years after Fauci’s appointment and no doubt at his urging, signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 into law, which completely exonerated vaccine manufacturers from indemnity for vaccine injury and death. Today, one child in 36 born to parents in California is autistic!!! Think about that for a moment, about that family, having to throw resources they likely don’t have at a brain that is to all intents and purposes irretrievably damaged. That child will never know normality, never be able to become independent, will always require expensive special care, and never be able to love or be loved in the way any parent would have wanted. An outcome that is tragic beyond words …
A fun fact is that, since that time NOT A SINGLE VACCINE HAS BEEN SAFETY TESTED! Why waste good money testing anything if you didn’t have to, right? Another fun fact is that vaccines have NEVER been tested against an inert placebo substance like saline either! The double blind placebo controlled trials have always used other vaccines as their “placebo” – a fact Kennedy sued Fauci to get him to concede. And this for obvious reasons – if this had been done, the real / significant incidence of side effects and other red flags would probably have given most responsible researchers cause to doubt safety and efficacy, and to quickly suspend its use.
But Fauci has always been a huge ally of the pharmaceutical industry, and this almost always at the expense of the very people it was his job to protect. Any dodgy signals encountered during vaccine trials by the makers (classical fox guarding the henhouse stuff) were roundly ignored and glossed over. Very effective treatments like Ivermectin and high dose Vitamin C and D were ruthlessly outlawed, and the protagonists vilified, crushed and cancelled. The use of this suppressive technique was especially rampant during the Covid years – criminal and dangerous emergency use authorisations were given by the FDA to Pfizer & Co for vaccines that were already known to have killed a significant number of people it was given to, and injured many more. The FDA had sight of Pfizer’s trial results from the get go, and STILL issued that EUA. Absolutely scandalous.
I almost feel sorry for the man. Almost. His actions of the last 40 years will soon be minutely examined in a court of law, and he and his cronies will be found to be as guilty as sin. Bobby’s bloodhounds will lay his many disastrous and frankly evil actions bare, and there WILL be a reckoning. Biden’s pre-emptive last gasp pardon will not help Tony one bit. Actually, the bloodhounds can relax, Bobby’s book is probably indictment and proof enough to put Fauci away for good, and hopefully get him stretching a rope. Hitler and Putin make way for the King of Bad. Tricky Tony will likely become the most hated man in history.
This will be quite a change from him being universally cherished as “America’s Doctor”, until recently that is. The much-cherished icon who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the highest civilian award in the United States) from President George W. Bush in 2008 is going down. The irony is that this medal was awarded for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR, and after reading this book you will realise how many American men were killed by his horrific HIV policies, Arthur Ashe and Rudolf Nuruyev among them. And he knew.
To read Kennedy’s VERY detailed account of this man’s evil antics in “The Real Anthony Fauci” will give you some idea of what this man, along with his greatest comrade in arms Bill Gates, has been up to these last few decades. The reader will note that each chapter has about 150 unimpeachable scientific references to back what was written. Bobby Kennedy, a very successful lawyer / environmental activist for the last 40 years, is no fool, and has covered himself against libel six ways to Sunday. Everything written there is verifiable fact, and that neither Fauci nor Gates have ever brought any law suit against Kennedy since the book was published in 2022, speaks volumes.
Those 40 years at the helm of America’s medical authorities have dealt out misery and death in a scale that cannot be measured. Particularly egregious, and a measure of his distorted and malevolent psyche, was his funding of two studies:
- The first involved the eating to death of Beagle puppies by insects – the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), directed by Dr Anthony Fauci, wanted to study the effects of sand fly bites on puppies. The White Coat Waste Project, a watchdog group, brought attention to these experiments, which involved sedating beagle puppies and placing their heads in mesh cages filled with sand flies. Buried. Forgotten.
- An even worse study involved the use of orphaned (no guardians to get in his way) children to assess side effects of HIV medicines. At the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City, foster children were subjected to clinical trials for experimental AIDS drugs and vaccines between 1985 and 2005. These trials were funded by the National Institutes of Health and major pharmaceutical companies. Thousands of kids were killed in this way, and they now reside in a mass grave in New York state. Gastrostomies (feeding tubes inserted surgically through the abdominal wall into their stomachs) were deemed necessary when these poor kids flat out refused to take the medicine that caused them such horrific side effects. Another horror that was buried and forgotten.
I battle to come to terms with the mindset of people such as this. No punishment could ever be enough to properly punish this ghastly misfit for what he has done to mankind. And this was all done while in this very exalted position, while having the greatest trust given to any doctor in America’s history.Watch Bobby get busy. This dedicated wonderful man doesn’t play. I believe that even by the end of this year we will start to see the rebirth of robust good health in the old US of A, and hopefully the end of one Fauci. Trump has brought back the death penalty, and this bad boy qualifies hands down in my view! I fear it will be too late for some, as people are dying all of the time, their health whittled away to nothing. To give you some idea of the extent of this problem, is the statistic that at this time less than 30% of America’s young adults are healthy enough to qualify for enlistment into America’s armed forces!
Another book, by RFK Jr’s brain-child organization Children’s Health Defense, outlines why no one should ever vaccinate ANY living being – man, or animal – with anything called a vaccine, EVER again. Like the Fauci book, “Turtles All The Way Down” is REPLETE with top notch science, that will effectively silence the arguments and indignant cries of the pro-vaccine lobby. After reading this book I can tell you my days of vaccinating, or being vaccinated, are long gone. Kennedy, man of action he undoubtedly is, apparently started CHD after learning about the extent of vaccine injuries to America’s kids, one of his daughters among these.
In truth, vaccines have NEVER been safe or effective, and if this topic interests you (and if you are a parent or grandparent, it bloody well should) you should also read Suzanne Humphries’ book “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and Forgotten History” to know more. Again, not an opinion piece – copious documentation is supplied for the disbelieving of one of the hardest set paradigms in medicine, that mantra that everyone knows: “vaccines save lives and are good for you”. So, anyone reading this with shares in vaccine companies should dump them. And soon.
Bobby’s team will no doubt soon turn their attention to the many other dangerous myths of evidence-based medicine, or EBM. Statins, bisphosphonates and HRT will follow vaccines onto the junk heap of medicines that all have what’s called a negative efficacy. Look that term up, but basically it means you are much worse off after taking the drug than those that didn’t get it. Vaccines paralyze immune systems! By now you might believe that it is quite true that the third leading cause of death in The States, after cancer and heart attacks, is none other than the medical doctor. And drugs are the bullets that they kill you with.
The way medicine is taught at medical schools now will also soon be drastically altered. Doctors will be taught why things happen, what natural cost effective and relatively side effect free solutions exist. They will again learn common sense medicine, and will hopefully finally cease to be BP’s unwitting sales force. Nutrition, food and supplementation should take up more of the medical student’s curriculum than the cursory week I got in second year physiology. With any luck, effective and life changing treatments like chelation, bio-oxidation and light therapy will all take their rightful places in the standard of care on offer in the new dispensation.
Most physicians STILL do not understand that the BS they have been fed since day 1 at medical school was simply an indoctrination, fake medical news, that they were force fed them so they would use and promote Rockefeller’s crap. Obviously, there ARE many amazing lifesaving drugs, but, take any drug with care and only if prescribed by an enlightened doctor would be my earnest advice.
It is an open secret that all of the world’s medical publications, from the revered JAMA and The Lancet, to Koos’s Moveous Muti Manual published near here in Pantoffelsfontein, are owned and their content fully controlled by the pharmaceutical giants, and their well-paid devious custodians. It turns out that medicine has long ago been “cleansed” of real information, and of anything not considered advantageous to Big Pharma’s bottom line, since John D. Rockefeller sent his emissaries out with his cheque book to capture America’s medical schools before the First World War. Advertising medicines – where MSM can weaponize their financial control over what the media says about drugs – will be outlawed any day now.
Doctors beware! It turns out that a good proportion of EBM, and a lot of what you learned at medical school turns out to be BP’s BS. I for one, am pretty rueful of the fact that I too have unwittingly and without question swallowed what our hallowed professors (most of whom were also none the wiser!) taught us, until I started smelling a rat in the 1990’s. Over 99% of physicians can justifiably be blamed for their naïve and unquestioning stupidity, but a professor is a professor, and you better believe them, right? But some KNEW. All along, some of them knew, and fostered, and helped to develop the terribly damaging current medical orthodoxy. And Fauci sits atop that pile of unspeakably evil fake doctors, that is the ultimate betrayal of the trust of good people.
He is indeed the Devil’s own doctor. Good luck getting justice done for him Bobby, he is a slippery, cunning little sod.
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Excellent well written exposure of the life and times of Fauci! I was unaware of the Auschwitz style exploits in New York…. “at the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City, foster children were subjected to clinical trials for experimental AIDS drugs and vaccines between 1985 and 2005. These trials were funded by the National Institutes of Health and major pharmaceutical companies. Thousands of kids were killed in this way, and they now reside in a mass grave in New York state. Gastrostomies (feeding tubes inserted surgically through the abdominal wall into their stomachs) were deemed necessary when these poor kids flat out refused to take the medicine that caused them such horrific side effects. Another horror that was buried and forgotten.”
Tongue in cheek, I quote Dr. John Pridgeon: “For the last 40 years, the crazy metrics showing virtually unlimited illness are almost entirely attributable to the industry of one man, a sociopathic mass murderer by the name of Anthony Fauci. Since he was made head of America’s NIAID in 1984, Fauci has, with malice aforethought, carefully and systematically ruined the health of his fellow Americans, killing an astonishing number of them.” Anthony Fauci was granted a pardon by POTUS Biden, go figure. I agree with the general sentiments and overall disgust, but phew! Maybe a little over the top. I agree that Dr. Fauci should have been forced to answer the allegations in a proper court of law. History will not record the Fauci contribution kindly.
Thanks for your interest. In view of the vast and ultimately immeasurable misery this man has caused, I think my words are quite measured and even polite! I was listening to a post on Telegram, made by David Martin and it seems that if anything, my article UNDERSTATES Dr Fauci’s contribution to the fate of his fellow man …. the most superlative negative adjectives available in the English language do not do this extraordinary creature justice.
Once again John I commend you for your well written and thought out article. Sadly, all too often when people read stuff like this our old friend cognitive dissonance kicks in and because the mind can’t handle such unsettling information they become unhinged and attack the messenger. Like you, I am waiting anxiously for that horrible little Fauci goblin to be arrested.
Having just seen on TV the meeting between Trump and Zellenskyy I can only say tat I am disgusted at the bullying attitudes of Trump and Vance. All that Trump wants is a big slice of Ukraine’s mineral wealth. When told he can have it in return for protection he throws a tantrum. Without that protection those mineal rights are worthlessas. Putin can just march in and take the minerals. One must assume that Trump/Vance know that and have a cosy agreement with Putin that he can have Ukraine so long as the USA can have unhindered access to the minerals. Do not forget that China holds sway over 80% of the world resources of those strategic minerals. Without the minerals, the USA will be in trouble. So, sell Ukraine down the river and get into bed with Putin? Trump wanted Canada, Greenland and Panama. Now he is using Ukraine as a bargaining chip to get what he wants… he will get back to the others in due course. Just what will wet-rag Starmer do after his bluster about standing by Ukraine. Will Trump simply take the Chagos Islands? What a mess!
Hi Errol, I was delighted to see Zellensky put in his place, who the hell does he think he is. Beyond the so-called ‘bullying’, I agree with your general assessment. Russia is rapidly winning the SMO/war and even with continued USA financial and military support, Ukraine will be defeated. I suppose the EU can start conscription and send hundreds of thousands of ‘boots on the ground’ to Ukraine. And don’t forget that ‘wet-rag’ Sir Kier Starmer could bravely lead a modern Charge of the Light Brigade. The mighty British Army have the Russians shaking in their boots. Let’s not forget how French trained foreign contingent deserted when they deployed to Ukraine. Ah! I forgot, Australia and Canada may save the day.
In answer to your question ‘YES’ the USA should ignore the pathetic UK and claim Diego Garcia for themselves. And, while they are about it, I support them taking the 51st Strate, and maybe a 52rd State in the Antipodean region. What a thought an Australian ‘boots on the ground’ in Ukraine, and pigs can fly.
My recent article in regarding the terms of a Ukaine Peace Deal is prescient, the Ukrainians are typical Slavs, and the USA are well advised to stay well clear of them,
Trump should have told this nasty brute to go home and put a suit on first; he’s got a bloody cheek. Now the gloves are off I hope the Americans follow the money trail and nail the thieves involved in this scam.
John well presented & honest about your own admission of being naive until the 1990’s – I would like to know what triggered your questioning of the status of the medical world back in the 90’s. Yes RFK jnr certainly is like a bull terrier & now has that bone securely in his jaws to run with & crush these evil BP’s, along with the bankers who have funded them as well as the political hacks inclusive of the RINO’s.
Thanks Chris. I started questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccines after I realised I had injured some of my own patients at about that time. Then the whole autism thing blew up, after the very brave whistleblower Dr Andrew Wakefield was brutally cancelled for daring to suggest vaccines were responsible, notably he named the multiple antigen vaccines like MMR, and DPT as the culprits. Today there is zero doubt Andrew Wakefield was spot on. I did a diploma in Clinical Metal Toxicology which taught me more about the damage heavy metals cause when they are introduced into the human body. An additional problem these days is that vaccine makers no longer bother to heed the medicolegal requirement that vaccines (like all medicines) MUST list EVERY ingredient in their products. ALL ‘flu vaccines contain thimerasol, and NONE of them lists this extremely toxic mercury-based preservative as an ingredient. But since these dangerous Covid clot shots were made, the makers have literally gone nuts, and the threat has gone up proportionately – the ingredients independent observers have shown to be in these things is legion (graphene oxide, polysorbate 80, aluminium, formaledehyde, SV40 and other viral DNA pieces, ethylene glycol and so, so much more). It’s almost as if they are playing. As I said, vaccines play no part in my future except to call them out for the unsafe and ineffective medical devices that they are. Bobby Kennedy has stated time and again that he is not anti-vaccine, and that he will advocate for the use of any safe and effective product. Clever response, because that product doesn’t exist, and you understand what that ultimately means – he will not be advocating for their use much either!
Phew! What a brilliant write-up John! Many thanks! I cannot wait to see that horrible little man Fauci arrested, jailed and the key thrown away, or better still, stretching a rope.
100% correct about the poison dwarf.
As a layman, I never took the Covid-19 vaccine because Fauci said there was no natural immunity, so how could a vaccine possibly work?
On vaccines, I took the polio vaccine at primary school a very long time ago. I didn’t get Polio, did the vaccine work? Or are there other reasons why that horrible disease missed me? Are there any vaccines that work?
It’s great that we can now have a free and open discussion on the subject!!
Barry people can get diseases subclinically, that is without symptoms, and develop immunity that way. A friend of mine got hepatitis B and didn’t know it until antibody testing showed recent infection! A wonderful doctor that I trust called Suzanne Humphries has a few YouTube polio videos that are worth listening to. The kicker here is that attempts to produce vaccines against certain viruses has historically led to total failure due to a weird anomaly. Exposure to the wild (naturally occurring) virus after vaccination against these bugs can cause a severe immune reaction that can and often does kill the vaccinated individual. This terrifying reaction is called
a cytokine storm and is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition where the body’s immune system goes into overdrive. This results in an excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines, which causes medical mayhem. The Corona virus is one such virus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Dengue are 2 more. Using traditional vaccine production methods the cytokine storm could not be avoided, and those vaccines were shelved, and not before a lot of kids died either. So, after SARS CoV1 in 2002, those chaps in white coats started playing with the genome of the CV, and gain of function research for the CV began in earnest. Elon’s DOGE team has found US$ 53 bar that was sent to Wuhan. I am wondering when they will own up to the half a billion + that was awarded for GoF done at laboratories in the America BEFORE those lab coats were booted out to US funded labs in China and The Ukraine.
Well written John. I am very much on your side.