Closing The Ukraine v Russia Deal

By Will Keys

On the last page of Donald Trump’s book, The Art Of The Deal, I quote: “I’ve spent the first twenty years of my working life building, accumulating, and accomplishing things that many said could not be done.  The biggest challenge I see over the next twenty years is to figure out some creative ways to give back some of what I’ve gotten.“  The book was published in 1987 so, close to forty years later, POTUS Trump has the opportunity of giving back ‘big time’.  His negotiation with Vladimir Putin will be on a stratospheric level.

For purposes of brevity, I do not propose to discuss the rights and wrongs as perceived by either side.  Suffice to say that each has a powerful story of betrayal and injustice, and never the twain shall meet. 

Donald J. Trump was spot on when he said “I just want the killing to stop”. Sadly for the Ukraine side, they have been beaten to a pulp, and even if they sacrifice their eighteen year old’s, they still cannot win.

The question is, how does one get the killing to stop, in the face of an intractable argument.   Answer, by force of character, and an offer that Ukraine “can’t refuse”.  It is axiomatic that when a conflict deteriorates into a one-sided fish in a  barrel scenario, and the loser cannot win, it is time to stop the killing and settle the matter with geo-political interests in mind. 

Russia has won this war and will continue winning until the entire country of Ukraine is under its control.  There are a plethora of military experts who support this view, and an equal number that don’t. 

The contrary view is likely to mean an uncontrollable deterioration of deaths in action (“DIA”), and the  inevitable involvement of EU and US boots on the ground.  One can only imagine the response of the American electorate, when hundreds of thousands of US troops are returned in body bags defending one of the most corrupt countries in Europe which has already sucked in billions of dollars in American aid.  America does not have the stomach for such human carnage.  Failure to stop the killing at this juncture would be unforgivable.      

The consequences of successful negotiations could well foster peace and global security, a big carrot.   Failure could result in a third world war and a military catastrophe of global proportions, a huge stick.   

The timing, strength and durability of the ultimate Settlement is in the hands of two men, President Vladimir Putin and POTUS  Donald J. Trump.  I humbly caution POTUS Trump not to drop the ball.  This is “The Big Kahuna” of negotiations and a steady hand is all that matters.

I submit that any successful agreement, and one that will satisfy the test of time, can only arise if POTUS Trump accepts the facts of realpolitik and the military reality on the ground.   The Russians are in a favourable position and it will be a huge mistake for POTUS Trump to think that he can dominate. President Putin is a highly intelligent man and cannot be bullied.  

In my opinion the following will be the fundamental to the Russian demands:

(1). (a) The Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansi, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson provinces, be recognised as now being part of the Russian Federation.

(b) NATO withdraws from Ukraine, with no intention of returning.

(c)     The Ukraine military must be limited in size, equipment and numbers.

(d)     The Nazi elements in Ukraine get disbanded.

(e)     That frozen Russian bank assets will be released in toto.

(f)      The US agrees to stop interference in the Belt & Road Project.

(g)     All sanctions against Russia will be lifted.

(h)     Miscellaneous prison releases and exchanges take place. 

We advice POTUS Trump to accept all without much argument.,

American demands be accepted in toto: 

(2). (a) Russia agrees not to object to the US securing Greenland as a US state.

(b)     Russia to help facilitate a peaceful Treaty in the Middle East.

(c)     Commercial economic activity and interests in Ukraine be fostered.

(d)     Russia does not unduly interfere in the US Panama Canal takeover. 

(e)     Russia accepts a reconciliation scheme in Ukraine.

(f)      Russia accepts a private settlement for the Nord-Stream pipeline.

(g)     Miscellaneous prison releases and exchanges take place.

We advise President Putin to accept all without much argument.

The Ukrainian government agrees:

(3). (a) To accept the pre-conditions in (1) and (2).

(b)     Move towards free and fair elections without outside interference. (At this time Zelensky is a de facto president, his tenure having expired.)

(c)     The USA and European Union facilitate post conflict economic aid.

(d)     International assistance in the return of the Ukraine diaspora.

I advise Ukraine to accept all the above without much argument.

The above negotiation points are a possible skeleton list of what will have to be agreed upon, if a long term and stable Settlement is to be achieved.

In conclusion, this is the geo-political ‘Big Kahuna’ and the opportunity of POTUS Trump’s life to prove his instincts as the GOAT negotiator.  My only fear is that POTUS Trump will try to cut a deal that could backfire, and leave America with appendage in hand, and alone at the wedding.  This is a negotiation where egos are best checked in at the proverbial saloon door.

Speaking as a MAGA supporter, we truly admire, respect and adore POTUS Trump.  We also deeply respect President Vladamir Putin as a leader.  

By Will Keys

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15 thoughts on “The Art Of The Deal – The Big Kahuna  ”
  1. An excellent and thought provoking article. Particularly in light of the biased media reporting, which frequently indicates the possibility of Ukraine winning more concessions from Russia due to its success in the battlefield, assuming a peace settlement is reached in the near future.

    1. Hi A.Kynoch, it is nice to know that we are writing to an informed readership. I understand that the readership numbers has increased appreciably.

  2. Amazing that you do not include cast-iron guarantees, backed by NATO, that Russia will not invade Ukraine (and other front-line states) again and again. Is that because you regard Moldva, Poland. Finland and a dozen other independent nations as not worth bothering about?
    I detect the surrender gene running a mile wide deep in your thinking.

    1. Hi Errol, for negotiation and peace purposes, and ignoring 2014 CIA – Foggy Bottom (Victoria Nuland) – NATO adventurism. Your bravery, NOT dying on the Ukraine front lines, and temerity to promote ” ight to the death of the last Uktrainian” is appalling.

      1. What is appalling is your eagerness to see a country like Ukraine disappear because your commie masters decided so.

  3. Alternatively, since Russia’s economy is tanked. Russia could de-invade Ukraine, depose Putin, apologize, pay reparations, beg the Free World for reacceptance and pray its republics don’t revolt, which would end the Russian Empire for good.

    Don’t see that likely to happen, but its just about as likely as Mr. Key’s scenario.

    1. Hi Doug, maybe you are right, maybe negotiations will fail. Maybe the outcome must be by force, the USA will stop the supply of money to Ukraine and Russia will be forced to take over Ukraine holus-bolus.

  4. Riddled and stinks with the same surrender thread that sunk South Africa.
    I bet you danced on the graves back then, and are looking forward to doing so again.

    1. Errol, so you think that South Africa should have engaged in a perpettual and violent suppressaiion of its majority population, in the face of world opinion? You despicable comment about “dancing on graves” exposes you not me.

      1. People like you who roll over and expect their tummies to be tickled are deluded. They never have a happy end.

  5. Hi Will – I agree with all of this – Trump’s big weakness is judging his advisors – people like Pompeo, Navarro et al and now Rubio and other entrenched neocons misinforming him at an appalling repeat level … POTUS cannot threaten a tough, seasoned operator like Putin who holds all the cards, as you rightly say – but Trump can make a deal … Gabbard is the one we hope he listens to

    1. Hi John, I agree with your comment about Neocons, and I noticed that POTUS Trump, left Mike Pompeo out of his knew Administration. Peter Navarro is an exception, he did time in prison because he would not ‘rat’ the boss out. Trump pardoned him and appointed him senior counselor for trade and manufacturing in the second term. We agree that Tulsi Gabbard is a class act, and we hope that her appointment as the Director of National Intelligence is fruitful.
      We think Mark Rubeo in accepting ‘Fogey Botttom’ poision challis is extending himself. The State Department is a den of iniquity, if Rubeo stumbles he’ll be done for. We hope he makes a fist of it.

  6. I like your thinking, Will.
    It is similar to mine, and, like you I fervently hope that Trump doesn’t drop the ball on this one.
    I am still worried that he has and will not manage to drain the swamp. Some of his appointees, notably Vance, are extremely suspect!

    1. Hi Phil, good men think alike or so they say LOL. POTUS Trump seems focused on draining the DC swamp in his Executive Orders. I gather you have some misgivings about JD Vance. We sincerely hope you are wrong. After high school JD Vance served with the US Marine Corps (2003-2007), he did six months in Iraq. He gratuated from Ohio State University in 2009 and Yale Law in 2013. It took JD a little time to come to his senses and we think that the publication of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ did the trick. The thing about Hillbillys is that they are loyal and POTUS Trumps respects loyalty. I predicted the Vance choice. Phil, we will be very disappointed if JD Vance let’s the side down..

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