“We are very pleased to announce we have secured a weekly contribution, (London and the World) from Cape Town’s Simon Lincoln Reader, a London-based technology investor and popular columnist for Biznews.com. We share a common connection to, and affection for ‘Taki’ of Spectator ‘Highlife’ fame who has shown us both the way in writing what you think and not what people want to read.” – Hannes Wessels

Simon Lincoln- Reader
Reading through a London court case (one I’ll explore shortly) and coupling certain features of it to the South African story resulted in one of the more unpleasant scenarios I’ve visualised in 2020.
Sometime in the not too distant future, Beijing24 is hosting a live audience in Oranjezicht with US Democrat Adam Schiff, one of the most dishonest men in the world. He’s in South Africa for a safari, which explains why he hasn’t taken off his Merrill boots and anti-insect trousers since he arrived (for a certain type of shithead, everything in SA is safari, even Michelin-starred restaurants in Cape Town). Bejing24’s Kommissar, a man whose self-righteousness has disfigured him to the point where he now resembles a villain from Frank Miller’s Sin City, enables the lying to continue on stage – about a former President, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, etc – each sentence concluded with an approving nod from the editor, the same one he used when the Minister of Police denied that things called farm murders happen in SA. Sadly, some in the audience are nodding too – they are unwitting members of a groupthink dome. That honking at the back? Oh that’s just Melanie Verwoerd – Mrs. Kumbaya herself – the least talented of Beijing24’s talentless writers, but the most impressive Health & Safety / Covid monitor you’ll encounter.
It could just as easily be Hillary Clinton, with the dreadful EWN as a sponsor. But the point is: this is the commanding narrative left to fester in SA – of Russia destroying Western democracy (despite conclusive evidence proving otherwise), of lockdowns being good and masks being better, that BLM is amazing (and that its kneeling corporate benefactors have somehow atoned) and finally, that Covid-19 is something to be utterly terrified of.
As people depart the venue, nobody cares that these statements are just as false as some of the claims of election fraud in US election of 2020. It’s just that, as lies go, this lot won, and history is documented by the victors.
It would take a strong stomach to deny that such occasions are beyond the realm of possibility. It’s been happening in London for the last four years, until last week, when the journalist behind the contention that Russia was responsible for Brexit (in the same way it was for the election of Donald Trump) removed the “Truth Defence” plea at the 11th hour from a libel case. Carole Cadwalladr, recipient of the 2018 Orwell Prize, finally admitted what everyone (including fellow Guardian and Observer reporters who secretly detest her) always suspected: she is a liar.
Like most other admission of this kind, its hopelessly late. Marianne Thamm habitually reposted her on Facebook, as did Rebecca Davis and other feminist-y writers beyond South Africa. TED gave her a talk; Netflix, a starring role in a documentary. A Swedish author wrote a young adult novel about her and for her case against Banks, she crowdfunded over R3.4m.
But the real damage is that even now – after a legal admission of this magnitude – a ring has assembled around her. Some of these are weirdo tossers who fantasise about vulnerable women. Some are intersectional agitators looking for another skirmish in the cultural war. But the majority are decent people who genuinely believed – on the strength of her reporting – that Russia destroyed their country. As narratives go, it is one of the most destructive.
Of all the events lost in Covid’s fire of 2020, the case of Glenn Greenwald must rank as one of the most startling. He was the journalist who broke the biggest story of his generation, who left the Guardian to establish The Intercept (on the basis that he wanted to perform independent reporting free of corporate/ editorial interference) and has now resigned from the company he co-founded – precisely because its editor and its other reporters were so explicitly partial to US Presidential candidate Joe Biden that they wouldn’t consider investigating the contents of Biden’s son laptop.
Greenwald has joined a few brave podcasters, comedians and independent reporters attempting to wrestle back the story of the American body politick, so that it isn’t weaponised by Adam Schiff, or distorted by Hillary Clinton’s beautiful daughter Chelsea, or violated for commercial expediency by Carole Cadwalladr.
Their adversaries are formidable – and I don’t just mean the size of that dishevelled slob Adam Boulton’s waist. Greenwald is up against a war machine featuring professional killers (John Brennan) alongside a corporate behemoth of powerful lobbyists and donors – all complemented by the most organised and well-funded media infrastructure the world has ever known.
Should he concede, what I’ll miss about Donald Trump is the ease at which he enraged The World’s Most Disgusting people – the legacy media and their outrage porn routines, the corporate social justice / climate scammers, the race hustlers and the useless careerists. Lifting only a few fingers, he exposed these people as lazy, gullible, paranoid and arrogant.
But Trump, frequently economical with the truth, managed to draw attention to the importance of it, not because his opponents are noble or honest, but because they are the extreme opposite. The America that makes its return is the one more to the G W Bush / Obama / Hillary profile – lies to support illegal military campaigns, more aid to Africa to keep despots rich and peasants poor, and more power outsourced to unelected corporates – all led by an incontinent sleeper and someone who believes pronouns plus complexion are qualifications. In support will be the electrified corpse / one woman vodka wave of Nancy Pelosi.
These are not friends. Being careful with who we absorb our information from will never be more important than it will in 2021.
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Love the expressive, no nonsense, descriptive language in this article. Bring it on. Great read.
“and has now resigned from the company he co-founded – precisely because its editor and its other reporters were so explicitly partial to US Presidential candidate Joe Biden…..”
Researcher Eustace Mullins wrote “The World Order: Our Secret Rulers” and was hounded by the corrupted FBI throughout his life for exposing the Federal Reserve scam. Every job he got, they intimidated his employer to fire him, just for starters. He never gave up or gave in speaking fact to falsehood.
According to Mullins (RIP) there is no group formed anywhere that is not quietly infiltrated by agents of the international money power (NWO) cabal and either subverted or diverted from within for alterior agendas. The infiltrators show a friendly face and offer to help print the minutes or donate funds etc. Their role is to ingratiate themselves into the group then gain power and control, elbowing out the good intentioned original leadership. He quoted Karl Marx as an example.
These usurpers are spellbinders who have an innate gift for keeping the original narratives but changing the meaning of the language to infer something entirely different, Orwellian style.
The organization retains its original facade but eventually just becomes a caricature of its former self. This technique occurs at all levels, from a new gardening or book club, to especially governments and environmental organizations. It happened to Greenpeace. Look how the Vatican was infiltrated. One thousand one hundred members of the Communist Party USA were infiltrated into the US Catholic Church priesthood in the 1930s. Look at the Jesuit anti-pope Francis subverting Catholicism into the NWO marxist agenda. Observe his 2020 Vatican ‘Nativity Scene’ and that of 2017. Now he has openly joined with the Rothschilds.
That is why I never officially join anything and cast a suspicious eye over any group’s narrative vs actions.
Just saying.
And also to you. I have read what you said. Stay safe both physically and mentally. You are a gentleman.
Hi again Jane. As your reply to my last posting ended with the question, “Are the medical teams involved all just making up a number to report? That’s not fake news or a hoax.” I will do my best to reply. In my posting I asked you the question, “Did you get this information from the MSM?” but you did not directly reply to my question. This writer has known for many, many years that the Mainstream Media cannot be trusted because they LIE. We all know how “the most reputable broadcasting corporation in the world, the BBC”, lied, and lied, and lied about Rhodesia during the 1960’s and 1970’s to the point where they installed a transmitter in Botswana from which they beamed anti-Rhodesia propaganda into the country, but let’s leave that sordid story for now. It has become glaringly obvious that today’s MSM cannot be trusted, and to get an idea of what is really happening, one has to look at alternative news in order to get the truth. Every day I watch a bit of news on the MSM (just enough to see what lies they are telling, or until I start feeling sick in my stomach) and then I go onto a reputable Alternative News website to find out what is really happening and the disparity is like chalk and cheese. I could write for hours on this subject but at the end of the day you need to do the research yourself. The info is all there but it is becoming more and more difficult to find due to the aggressive censoring that is taking place. It is patently obvious that most MSM outlets are owned by large corporations who have a political agenda but that is another story for another time. Thank you for your reply and interest. All the best to you in NZ.
I appreciate all your points in reply to my comment concerning the use of the word HOAX and agree that there are many points of view about the false news put by media to.create panic. I agree with that point of view and have long ago deleted my “Fake book “. Never had Twitter .
The question I put really is that we must respect this virus and treat it as a serious threat. I’m sure the 3100 deaths attributed to the virus that occurred yesterday in the US are heartbreaking to all who died obviously and those who lost a loved one , or gave medical assistance .Are the medical teams involved all just making up a number to report ? That’s not fake news or a hoax.
What I want to know is how many actually died as a direct result of this virus? That is where the big lie starts in my view. Everyone now seems to die of Covid no matter what other health problems may be factored in.
Jane, there IS a hoax surrounding this pandemic and that hoax is the pedalling of false information about the lethality of the disease thus enabling eugenics and population-control-loving psychopathic freaks like Bill Gates to control us. I guess if people have not seen through this scam yet after nine months then they never will. The year 2020 has seen a shift in the intensity of deception worldwide and I am seeing more and more people succumbing to the fear-mongering, lies, and deliberate ommissions of critical news by the MSM which is not in line with their narrative and less people being inclined to believe the truth gleaned from reputable Alternative News sources. We are in the era of the Big Lie and people are falling for it big time. Fear breeds panic and with that comes hostility to anyone who might suggest something different to the current narrative.
Jane – “Country by country of our world show extraordinary figures on a daily basis of extreme drowning of hospitals and staff equipment and beds.” Did you get this information from the MSM? Reputable Alternative News sources say the complete opposite. Have you any idea how much conservative news (or any news that runs contrary to the narrative and the agenda) is censored by YouTube, Fakebook and Twitter? Google are also hugely involved.
Congrats on the below Hannes.
“We are very pleased to announce we have secured a weekly contribution, (London and the World) from Cape Town’s Simon Lincoln Reader, a London-based technology investor and popular columnist for Biznews.com. We share a common connection to, and affection for ‘Taki’ of Spectator ‘Highlife’ fame who has shown us both the way in writing what you think and not what people want to read.” – Hannes Wessels
Thanks Alistair you took the words out of my mouth.
A very well written piece, keep up the good work, thanks.
I thought you may like to have a look at this link , eye opener.
I bet you can play with this presentation for hours!!
World health comparisons by disease
This is a very useful presentation of COVID data in various countries compared to other often fatal diseases. Interesting stuff. Look at China, Canada, Japan and Germany compared to US & UK. https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/selected-deaths-vs-covid-19-united-states
Good article
BUT I’m still waiting on our editor in chief to,,acknowledge that his narrow view of the covid 19 EPIDEMIC. Is a Hoax and he should openly issue a personal submission that the COVID 19 pandemic is a Reality and not a Hoax!!
Country by country of our world show extraordinary figures on a daily basis ,of””extreme drowning of hospitals and staff equipment and beds.It’s just to got to be acknowledged by our editor in chief. Sent from New Zealand a brave and free fought country who is relative free of the :HOAX;;
Well maybe ‘hoax’ is too strong a word because there is indeed a new virus out there so that part is true, but there has been a massive disinformation campaign based on twisted data that has caused incalculable damage, far beyond the harm done by the alleged pandemic. I watch Tanzania with great interest where the president, from the outset, dismissed this and no bodies piling up in the streets there. Sweden does not seem to have paid a heavy price for adopting a far more measured response than most of the rest of the world. I see our President Ramaphosa has told the nation the gravest threat facing South Africa is Covid-19; how I wish that were indeed the case; the future would be a bright one. This has been a wonderful diversion for politicians everywhere to make excuses.
Good article
BUT I’m still waiting on our editor in chief to,,acknowledge that his narrow view of the covi 19 EPIDEMIC. Is a Hoax and should openly issue a personal submission that the COVID 19 pandemic is a Reality and not a Hoax!!
Country by country of our world show extraordinary figures on a daily basis ,of””extreme drowning of hospitals and staff equipment and beds.It’s just to got to be acknowledged by our editor in chief. Sent from New Zealand a brave and free fought country who is relative free of the :HOAX;;
Excellent article. Full of wit and wise words. Looking forward to more of the same.