by Hannes Wessels
White people everywhere, including my own children, are being encouraged, in some cases compelled, to acknowledge guilt for the cardinal crime of being born white. An entire generation has been taught, nay indoctrinated, to understand and believe that Europeans have done almost nothing throughout history, other than kill, plunder and enslave. As a result, we are told, the perceived wealth and comfort accruing to this particular ethnic group, has been acquired illicitly and must be returned to whomsoever the PC ‘Taliban’ along with the mainstream media and gutless politicians decide. We are then informed by our political and spiritual leaders that only by groveling on our knees, admitting our sins and those of our ancestors, and begging forgiveness, can there be healing leading to a brighter, fairer future.
On the back of this sentiment, I watch American cities burn as BLM (Black Lives Matter) mobs go berserk and an ugly presidential election is convulsed by allegations of racism and ‘white supremacism’. Across Europe and the UK tensions are rising as nationalist leaders grow their support base in the face of ever more strident demands from disgruntled immigrant populations that are failing to assimilate. In South Africa, after 26 years of ANC rule, with whites in all sectors trying to make amends for apartheid, racial tensions are high and the future looks like a troubled one.
I’m left feeling despondent, wondering what the answer is?
Looking at America, it seems efforts have been made since the end of the Civil War in 1865 to compensate for slavery. Trillions of dollars have been spent by successive administrations on education and a multitude of social programmes to improve the lot of blacks. Affirmative action initiatives that blatantly discriminate against whites have been implemented across the spectrum in the public and private sector. In 2008 white Americans in their millions elected a ‘man of colour’, to be their president in a massive show of inter-racial goodwill aimed at eliminating racial resentment and division.
This seems to have made little difference. Barack Obama, who was effectively raised by compassionate, white foster parents and afforded preferential opportunities denied his white compatriots before rising to his country’s political pinnacle, remains an angry man. He has little or nothing to say about what Americans have done right while urging the BLM mobs to continue their campaign to crush the system that created the most successful polity in history. America remains more divided than ever.
Across the Atlantic, if the direction of the migrant waves is any indicator, Britain might lay claim to being the best destination in Europe for BAMEs (Black and Minority Ethnics) seeking a better life. The native Britons are innately kind, caring people and as tax-payers they are spending billions on efforts to make the country welcoming and comfortable to people in distress of non-British descent. (Whites fleeing persecution from Africa are viewed and treated differently.)
One notable beneficiary of this commendable benevolence is the British Home Secretary Mrs. Priti Patel. Her family fled Uganda after being expelled by President Idi Amin and found safety and security in England where she has risen to being one of the most powerful people in the country thanks to an enabling and functional non-racial system that rewards success where it is due. But this has not stopped her moaning about having been victimized because she is of Asian decent, nor has it stopped her admonishing her fellow citizens about not having done enough to make the country more acceptable to people of non-European descent.
Similarly, Diane Abbot, of Jamaican ancestry, rose to be shadow Home Secretary in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party and was the beneficiary of systemic preferential discrimination throughout her rise to prominence. And yet, like Obama, this woman has little or nothing good to say about her parent’ adopted country but appears never lost for words when criticising it. She has welcomed the BLM protests and the tearing down of statues which she sees as fully justified. Britons, despite all the efforts to solve the problem, seem more polarized than ever and the future appears set to be fraught with social discord.
It seems obvious: huge efforts taken to address these problems have failed. Searching for answers I look closer to home here I study with great interest, the example set by my old friend Darrell Watt and his hosts in Zambia where he has lived in the wilderness he loves for the last 20 years.
Arguably the greatest fighting soldier to emerge from a 12-year long war that effectively pitted his new country against his old one in a bitter conflict, during which he wrecked havoc until told to stop, he appears to offer some solutions.
Against the trend we witness today, he refuses to demean himself and stands proud of his provenance and his history; he asks to be judged upon what he is today and what value he can add to his new community; he explains very quietly but firmly, that he was a simple soldier doing his patriotic duty. And, to the great credit of the Zambian people; from the poorest, to the most powerful in the land, they have embraced their former foe and made him one of their own. As a citizen and officially appointed Tribal Headman, he has found peace of mind, contentment and fulfilment among the people against whom he once fought. In return, he has devoted the rest of his life to helping them while trying to save the wildlife that can generate the revenue to lift their lives.
Darrell never went down on bended knee, and the damage caused in a racially charged war has been repaired, the divide crossed and goodwill abounds.

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Your comment in “Give a dam” [which does not invite comment from readers] ‘In the following four decades, I do not know of a single dam built by the government of the day in what became known as Zimbabwe’ is badly inaccurate. The Govt for some time did nothing else but build dams, culminating in the huge Tokwe Mukorsi in 2017. where they slipped was making them useful for irrigation – needs organisation and settled land. if you give me your email, i will send a list. best to check with a ‘Staywe’ on such matters perhaps.
Another comment on Kariba, we already had the excellent book by Colin Gillies, which you do not mention. not sure what new material Johnathan has gleaned
Best Aye, Chris
Well I must confess all this dam-building escaped my attention. The Tokwe dam was a work in progress in the late 70’s if my memory serves so it took them about 40 years to complete it? Apologies to Colin Gillies, I did not know about this.
As a White who sees himself as being threatened by anti-white forces, your duty is to cling to the moral high ground. Characterizing BLM as “Burn Loot and Murder” puts us way down the drain – and justifies criticism. BLM started as a peaceful attempt to bring notice of perceived grievances amongst a minority – entirely legitimate. A moral and ethical administration will apply the basic tenets of FREE, FAIR and FIRM. They will not be afraid to analyse and correct wherever it is justified. We have no right to jump to biased judgement with skewed stats and opinions. Whites should be better than that
Actually as the White race ‘our duty’ is to survive the attempted genocide against us.
Burn Loot and Murder is the perfect description of SOROS funded and instigated marxist revolutionaries, most of them Useful Idiots. BLM will be the first to be ‘disposed of’ should their masters achieve a marxist takeover of the US. as ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov made clear. When Useful Idiots are no longer Useful, Bezmenov says they are quickly purged.
Interesting that such a large number of BLM are not Blacks. They look white but I would bet that most of them are not ethnic-europeans going by the historical record of the non ethnic-european ‘white’ Bolsheviks. Churchill made clear these facts as to who the Bolsheviks were. Now, I’m going to check how is the weather in Tel Aviv today.
Thank you as ever Hannes for your articulate weekly offerings of perspective and insight.
How refreshing to hear of a good news story as Darrel Watt continues to achieve most admirable milestones well into his mature years in his adopted country. It says much for the Zambians too.
It really is a great story Nick. Good for wildlife and people. These idiots who run the NGO’s doling out heaps of cash most of which is looted, could learn something from him.
Intelligence Debate – that Europe is not doing enough for its Muslims.
The above debate was tabled after I raised with the BBC the bias of the previous debate . That The Catholic Church was not a force for good. The BBC programmer told me to wait for the follow and the very clever twist in the tail. Have a listen
Ch***t on a bike
Great words and a very topical subject, thank you.
BAME stands for Black, Asian, Mixed, Economic (white) disadvantaged, doesn’t it?????
BLM stands for
I’m proud to be a White Rhodesian and even more proud we alone in the White western world stood up and said: “Stop. No further!” I have no apologies to make about that. We lived authentic lives because we did what was the right thing to do.
There’s a War Against the world’s White Race. The banker supported marxist-leninists of the 4th Communist International (encompassing the Communist UN) had a strategy created by the Frankfurt School to bring down the (White) Western world by collapsing the Pillars of that civilization in order to turn it Communist.
The (normally) capable White race is the biggest threat to the success of a world communist dictatorship (headed by the international money power who sustain its survival and wants Communism).
The global attack against the White race with its traditional (Christian) family values is nothing to do with racism, slavery, supremacy, or any other furphy. HERE is what its all about, as explained in a 1984 interview with ex-KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov. He explains the Steps to Destroy the White nations:
This is just 10 minutes of a much longer interview with American G Edward Griffin who today has the Red Pill University website but it packs all the important points into this part of the interview.
The first step in the marxist-leninist book is to Demoralize the West (from South Africa to Europe to the US). This is the point in demonizing the White race, to create false White guilt. This is why the need to whip up race hate against us. In fact Bezmenov elsewhere says Rhodesians were not ‘racists’ and they were right.
Once demoralization was accomplished the next step was destabilization. Both SA and US have been experiencing that lately.
We are certainly living in troubled times. Thank you so much for this wonderful article and glimmer of hope. Here in the USA, there are many instances of refuges from other oppression rising to the pinnacle of power only to tear down the the system that granted them succor in their time of need. The systemic brainwashing of children by educational institutions has created a new wave of apologists and Socialist/Marxists/Communists intent on repeating the error of history and destroying the bastions of democracy and capitalism. I guess the pendulum has to return and until some critical thought and common sense prevails we are destined to relive the horrors of the past. I only hope that our children and their children can prevail in this turmoil and survive to the other side. Thank you as always Hannes. Go well Sir.
An excellent article as always from Hannes Wessels. My only point of disagreement being that I was under the impression that Obama was raised, not by white foster parents, but by his own white grandparents, with occasional help from his white mother. His absent father was a black Kenyan.
My apologies; you are quite right Minkie, my mistake.