by Hannes Wessels
We hear an awful lot these days about the lamentable prevalence of mental cruelty being inflicted upon children, so it is with this in mind I reflect on the millions of apparently traumatised children around the world who have taken to the streets recently to vent their fury and express their grief because they believe their world will soon end in a blistering heat-wave caused by greedy capitalists; most, if not all of whom are presumed white and led by a super-villain called Donald Trump. We are hearing of children in their millions suffering from ‘climate-grief’, ‘eco-anxiety’ and deep depression. Mr. Scott Morrison, the Australian prime minister has referred to the ‘needless anxiety’ being caused to the young.
This is truly sad and while I empathise with them, it is only because they know no better and this is where I point an accusing finger at their tutors, teachers and the media. Such has been the potency of the propaganda these children have been bombarded with, one can understand why they have jumped to the certain conclusion that they – and indeed we all; are doomed. So woeful is the message being broadcast, one wonders why they are even bothering to protest because we are told the damage done by their elders is so severe apocalypse is certain.
The public face of this youthful ‘revolution’ is a charmless, 16-year-old, Greta Thunberg from Sweden; an instant, media-manufactured sensation who pours vitriolic scorn upon an older generation she believes has done little else other than consume and destroy. I cannot help but think this entire discussion might have been more constructively pursued had the mighty, media-moguls selected someone more civil and likeable than this nasty little girl. She presumes herself to be blessed with divine wisdom denied the rest of us stupid earthlings who, despite our age, and in some cases, earnest efforts, remain confused and uncertain about much that afflicts our lives and the world in which we find ourselves.
This hysteria she has helped create, might have been avoided had the information she and her acolytes have been fed been a little more balanced, but this is a single-script narrative with the likes of CNN, Sky News and the BBC dictating the story. The liberal fascists who run the BBC, being infallible, have decreed that there can be no challenge to ‘climate-change’ theory as it is accepted as ‘happening’ and therefore cannot be denied or even questioned. So, no need to broadcast any alternative view whatsoever. Just as powerful people once proclaimed the world to be flat and woe betide the dissenters, the same rules apply here.
I remember when I was a teen, worrying about the ‘acid rain’ that was going to destroy all forms of aquatic life. I also remember being told the world was about to run out of oil and that a new ice-age was coming. Later, we were told the world sea-levels were rising and the Maldives would soon be underwater. Then along came Al Gore in 2008 to inform us that the arctic would be ice-free by 2013 and polar bears would soon be extinct. (The ice-caps are thicker now and the polar bear population in some places is said to be out of control.) It was only 10 years ago when that other great prophet and scientist, Prince Charles, warned us we have little time to act decisively and save the world from man-made destruction. It seems none of the doomsayers have got much right and yet their voice is rising and incredibly, their credibility remains intact! Now we have Greta!
A great pity how this has played out because watching the youthful being mobilised, I am reminded there is so much to be said in favour of creating a sense of environmental awareness among the younger generation. Not to be misunderstood, I am very aware of the damage being done to our planet by humans and if the new generation can be motivated to address those problems then that’s highly commendable. But that is unlikely to happen and the simple reason is they are not being told the truth.
They are not being told that the 10 rivers carrying the most plastic into the sea are in Africa and Asia – not in Europe or America where pollution controls are stringent and enforced. They are also not being told that the industrialised West is only responsible for roughly 25% of the world’s carbon emissions, while pollution levels are rising in the Third World. Little or nothing about the thermal power stations popping up all over China and the lack of environmental controls there. And for our children here in southern Africa, not a whisper in the ‘virtue-signalling’ wind about the fact that the biggest environmental catastrophe currently unfolding on planet earth is happening right here before our eyes on our own continent. Overpopulation! Also not told that it is preventable because it is almost entirely due to poor family planning leading to explosive population growth. This is causing rapid deforestation, pollution and acidification of water-courses, soil erosion and the decimation of wild-life. Many rivers and lakes are indeed lifeless but not only because of pollution but because there are too many people with too many fishing nets and they have eaten all the fish. If apocalypse is nigh anywhere, it’s right here, close to where I write, but this gargantuan elephant in the room gets absolutely no attention and seems to cause no concern simply because the organisers of the ‘climate-change’ hoax are liars and frauds and they don’t have the guts to identify, let alone confront, the chief problem that demands immediate attention – uncontrolled birth rates in the developing world, especially Africa.
I read, former President Barack Obama is totally behind Ms Thunberg and the message she is sending. Well, if he believes it’s all true and sea levels are set to rise imminently why is this much loved bullshitter buying a $ 15 million home on the US east coast, only 10 feet above sea level? Maybe he should dig deep, explain himself honestly to the millions of teenage disciples who revere him and help them relax and get some sleep.
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Cogent report Hannes.
One has to question the role of her parents in her actions as, being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome which explains her highly emotive outbursts and lack of ability to effectively relate socially, she should be protected and not promoted. Is she the vehicle to promote their book? While she proclaims her condition to be her gift, contrary to some public perceptions about those afflicted with Asperger’s as having enhanced abilities in specific and very focused topics, Asperger’s falls within the autism spectrum of disorders where the ‘high functioning’ aspect of the syndrome means higher than other forms of autism but generally lower than the average population. This has been reflected through her inability, when questioned, to proffer meaningful solutions to the climate change challenge.
Equally amazing is the credence that a child with cognitive disorders and devoid of answers is given in the public arena. That being said however, this pattern is currently paralleled on many fronts where logic fails to be applied: the Brexit fiasco where the will of the electorate is ignored supported by leaders of the European parliament holding power but not elected by the citizens of the member countries; the UN where many incompetent and corrupt leaders of developing countries are allowed to voice their discontent against countries that support them through aid; the US where there is a thrust to remove the president (granted lacking in statesmanship) who is actually delivering on the mandate by which he was elected unlike his predecessors. The press too has much to answer for – driven now in many if not most instances by the financial and political objectives of their owners and devoid of the truth.
In the light of the above, Thunberg is yet another hapless pawn in the state of growing world disorder.
To me, the most significant and worrying aspect of this latest outrage of using children to push the lie of man made global warming is it illustrates how successful and relentless the mind control/social engineering/propaganda machine is.
Here are a few points to consider in respect of this:-
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the population alarmed – and hence clamouring to be led to safety by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” (H.L. Mencken)
“Global warming is now one the largest recipients of government research money in the world. It finances jobs, grants, conferences, international travel and journals. It not only keeps a huge army of people in comfortable employment but also fills them with self-righteousness and moral superiority, and satisfies those deep instincts in the Green movement for meddling, hectoring, controlling and censuring. Behind these exhortations is the vision of Rousseau, of a retreat from the evil industrialised world of motor cars and electricity back to the simpler, nobler world of nature (except for the green priesthood who will still be allowed to fly in jet planes to attend conferences.)”
(Andrew Kenny, Prepare for the Big Chill, The Spectator, June 22, 2002).
“To act without clear understanding; to follow a path all one’s life, without knowing where it really leads, such is the behaviour of the multitudes.” (Mencius – Chinese philosopher).
Well done once again Hannes. I cannot wait for your publications – just wish they could be seen by a wider audience, especially that chinless nation on mud island…
As usual succinct and to the point. The Asian and African rivers pouring plastic into the oceans and the Asian factories pumping chemical smoke into the atmosphere are the justified targets of rage. The effette liberals are cleverly manipulating votes. they could not give two hoots about the ecology. They change their cars every year, wear a shirt or dress twice, change their mobile and laptop every two years. They are paying lip service and no more…all for greedy benefit.
Well said Hannes, I particularly like the last paragraph.
As always, Hannes, laser sharp and accurate! Well done – great article!
Hi Hannes
Thanks for being another voice coming out against the climate change scam and the billions wasted on
1. Wind turbines which do not produce 50/60Hz energy and cannot boil a jug
2. PV solar panels which while able to heat one’s own water cannot power the grid
3. Smart meters which fraudulently add useless harmonics to consumers power bills
There is not enough lithium in the world for everyone to own an electric car. Then there is the replacement battery and what to do with the old one.
Hannes you used the word fascism, sorry, incorrect use of a powerful word I think you meant to use socialism, communism or totalitarianism
WWI & WWII were forced onto Germany. Hitler used fascist economics to create 6 million jobs in three years. The jobs were not in weapons. He boomed the economy including infrastructure, roads, volkswagen and civilian aircraft. FDR’s New Deal by comparison was a flop.
To Philip Curtis:
A Handful of Hard Men, an excellent read. While you are generally right on your comments re the British it is not all the British and not all the aristocracy. A part of the aristocracy were sympathetic to ‘Nazi’ Germany the problem is with a part of Britain and a part of the aristocracy. Read on, The Milner Group. Before they attacked Germany in WWI they attacked South Africa in two Boer wars. They took Rhodesia down in and possibly responsible for the destruction of the African continent in general. Another good read is The Silent War by Reg Shay & Chris Vermaak
Thanks you, thank you, Hannes, for your voice of sanity! A much-needed commentary on a world gone mad!
You need to abbreviate your mails, after the main e mail is sent out with the greatest hits of that letter, maybe point form so that I can post it on FB/Instagram/Twitter? You make excellent points in most of your stuff but not enough is getting out. There are so many tree/bunny huggers amongst the other weirdos out there who need to read this kind of stuff to get some perspective.
Well said Hannes – personally I would like to see the parents of that pitiful little girl with Asperger’s syndrome held to the same account as the mysteriously-dead Epstein!
They are just as guilty of child abuse – perhaps even more so because they are affecting millions of children.
BTW, it has taken me far too long to read your excellent book “A Handful of Hard Men” and it reminded me vividly of why I despise the British leadership (and, quite frankly, a large swathe of their population), in spite of having been born on Mud Island.
I’m ashamed to be British and only identify myself as Rhodesian.
If it wasn’t a sign of the further corrosion of Western Civilisation, I would be overjoyed by the fact that the Brits are being attacked by their own traitorous leaders.
What goes around comes around – only sometimes it takes far too long!