The Trump Storm
Hannes Wessels, For anybody who enjoys following world news, whether you like the man or not, Donald Trump is certainly making for fascinating reading and viewing, triggering massive mayhem in…
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Hannes Wessels, For anybody who enjoys following world news, whether you like the man or not, Donald Trump is certainly making for fascinating reading and viewing, triggering massive mayhem in…
Hannes Wessels, It has long fascinated – and distressed me – how white journalists, reporters, editors, media proprietors and white led pressure groups in South Africa have seldom missed an…
Hannes Wessels, I’m certainly not looking for any sympathy, (cowboys don’t cry we were taught), but being of European descent, coming from a family that left Europe over 300 years…
Hannes Wessels, Growing up as I did, in post UDI Rhodesia, I was exposed early to the deceptive habits of wily British politicians. My adolescent naivete notwithstanding, I was puzzled…
Hannes Wessels, Watching events unfold in England, as a dangerously polarised country edges ever closer, to conflict brings me no joy despite the fact I consider myself a victim of…
Hannes Wessels, Recently, more information has come into the public domain about the British plans to intervene militarily in order to bring the ‘Rebel Rhodesian’ government to heel in the…
Hannes Wessels, While I was not living in South Africa when the ANC, led by Nelson Mandela, came to power in 1994 it was plain to see that almost the…
Hannes Wessels, I am not sure if it is just me and my dystopian view of the modern world in general, but I have become a chronic pessimist. This mood…
Hannes Wessels, I’m constantly admonished by my wife and family for being morose and distant; sadly they are probably correct but the reason is, I read too much, care too…
Hannes Wessels, As a delegate at the recently held Cop 28 climate conference in Dubai, Ndileka Mandela, Nelson’s granddaughter, grabbed headlines when she denounced Britain and the Royal family, for…