Will Keys

I am an ex-Rhodesian, now an Australian, retired, living contentedly in Queensland.   I have reasonable health; happily married; proud of my children, and financially secure.  My curiosity with world affairs is high  and I follow US politics closely.  No surprise.  I am fiscally conservative; socially tolerant, and a MAGA supporter.  Donald J. Trump is my absolute hero. 

After retirement, I indulged in private research to stop the pain in my foot caused by a shoe stone.  A stone planted by the British government.   I wanted to know exactly how those perfidious bastards in London had managed to extract themselves from the legal bonds stipulated in the 1923 Southern Rhodesian Letters Patent Constitution.   The answer:  “We found that they had arbitrarily repealed the 1923 Constitution in their House-of-Commons, leaving Rhodesians without legal rights and that was it!”  The bastardry was pure Perfidious Albion.   

Our research also led to a curiosity about the motivations behind the sudden change of ‘Africa policy’ by the British Government.  It became apparent that it was African-American voting pressure, by the Democrat Party,  that forced a British capitulation.  The British were promised and granted special arrangements in the European/US dollar-trading-market, utilizing so-called ‘independent banks’ in the Caribbean.  The demand was that full independence be granted, based on black majority rule, regardless of capacity.

As the world would belatedly discover,  the African-American influence on the Democrat Party towards Africa was an unmitigated disaster.  The disastrous decision-making went on to infect the entire western hemisphere, and eventually returned to infect the host.  It is what the US is experiencing in 2024.  The antidote is G.O.P, the doctor is Donald J. Trump and the patient is the corrupt Democrat Party.     

Our curiosity led us to try to understand African-American mentality.  Why? We asked, are they so self-destructive and ostensibly dumb?   It appeared from all indicators that they were establishing a third-world African mentality in a first world country i.e. the USA.   We watched in horror and disgust as people like George Floyd (Minneapolis) and Michael Brown (Ferguson) were transformed into heroes and their families paid millions of dollars in compensation.   Ignorance and evil was winning out.  

Our research led us to an African-American economist, Glenn Loury.  Glenn has become one of the leading academic social commentators in the USA, a step behind the brilliant Thomas Sowell but a friend of SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas.  Fine company indeed.

Glenn is academically brilliant and we support his show ‘The Glenn Show’.  Unfortunately and despite his brilliance he apparently has a weak spot for losers.  He recruited a black linguist from Columbia university, Prof. John McWhorter, into his circle.  Both men appear to be decent family types with mature academic temperaments, and critical thinking acuity.  However, overtime they could not avoid exposing their true selves.  

John McWhorter is jaundiced by the mental psychology mime, infection, out of the Columbia university and diagnosed as Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”).  McWhorter has a terminal case and he has lost his critical-thinking-acuity.  The high-water-mark was when McWhorter called for the assassination of Donald J. Trump.  This is a serious felony and Federal crime for anyone other than a NYC Democrat.   As the Zen Master said, “we’ll see”.       

Glenn Loury’s latest book is called ‘Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative’.  I have been watching and listening to Glenn for over ten years.  The fact that he was once an immature ‘git’, Australian slang, and matured into a brilliant academic economist/sociologist is pleasing, but par for the course.

Despite his past peccadillos, it is hard not to like Glenn Loury.   He convicts himself, ‘as being culpable’ for past wrong-doing and is apparently contrite.  “Good on him”, more Australian slang.   It is not to his credit that he maintains a business and personal relationship with the jaundiced and delusional John McWhorter.  Glenn carries John on his show, and has thus allowed a serious infection of ‘black guilt’ to influence good judgment.  At center, Glenn Loury’s mentality is benignly racist, with a smidgen of TDS.  He is deeply affected by his own skin-color.  Weirdly, I speculate that it is something Glenn would criticize in others. 

Glenn Loury recently delivered a speech titled “Whose Fourth of July? Black Patriotism and Racial Inequality in America” at the National Conservatism Conference.  He started with, “I am an ex-liberal mugged by reality”.  Believe me, Glenn is still pretty liberal, he has a way to go.   

In this speech, he explored the complex relationship between Black Americans and patriotism, emphasizing the importance of embracing American heritage while acknowledging the nation’s history of racial inequality.

Loury argued that the achievements of Western civilization, including those in literature and science, belong to all Americans regardless of race. He urged Black Americans to see themselves as integral to the nation’s fabric and to claim the legacy of figures like Tolstoy, Dickens, Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein as their own.

Additionally, he criticized the divisive nature of identity politics, advocating for a more inclusive vision of American identity that transcends racial lines. He emphasized the importance of cultural and intellectual inheritance and the need for a unifying national narrative.

Above all Glenn forced himself to say the unsayable.  That his people are responsible and accountable for themselves.  That merit and merit alone is the prescription.  He stresses that all Americans are ‘our people’, that all history is our history, and although we can acknowledge differences, nevertheless, America must stand as one nation, and abide by its national anthem. Loury’s speech was well-received for its eloquence and depth, challenging listeners to rethink the concepts of race and national identity in the context of patriotism and cultural heritage

Glenn desperately wants to change African-American culture.  He believes that a change of culture will somehow redress the white/black academic disparities.  Of course, from an informed and educated perspective, it doesn’t really matter, because it doesn’t work that way.   I add that Glenn is brilliant, and most of us are not.  Again, I say, so what?  We are born with the lemons we inherit.  It is not the quantity of lemons, it is the quality of the lemonade that makes the difference.  Glenn should accept the proposition as a fact of life.  It is about lemonade not lemons, and lot’s of lemons does not mean good lemonade.  Axiomatic.   

Advice to Glenn: Praise the God of the Universe for your brilliance, and stop navel-gazing on behalf of others.   Read the ‘Desiderata’ and strive to drink good lemonade.  Be happy.

By Will Keys.

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22 thoughts on “African-American Delusions”
    1. Thank you John. We agree, Walter Williams was/still is a much admired economist, and as you point out a friend of the eminent economist Thomas Sowell. Glenn Loury is intellectually of that strata. I kept an eye on Glenn Loury because, it seemed to me that he epitomized the African-American mentality more accurately. Glenn has now swung back to full throated conservatism but not without some vacillation and personal demons. I like and admire Glenn Loury but I doubt he would like me LOL.

  1. Will, I would like a copy of your book
    I have one by Hannes who has my email and would like to add yours to my collection.
    Brian Johnston

    1. Hi Brian, what a compliment you pay me. As I said, the book has not been released for published because of my internal demons. Nevertheless I thank you for your very kind remarks, much appreciated

  2. Hi Will, thanks for the your usual excellent posts . I am happy to say that i share almost the exact same ideology (philosophy) as you…except I have no stones in my shoes !
    The other item of difference between us….was that you were a Policeman….and fortunately , I was an Airman …LOL ! I am of the firm belief that every person stands or falls by their own efforts . The race mentality is injected into the arguement to mask their incompetence and seemingly illicit sympathy and support for their ‘race’ . A good example of this is….in South Africa…..the blacks, as an indigenous group, are very intolerant of competition.If a taxi owner uses a route for his business; no other taxi, or vehicle, is allowed to use the same road and carry people.If you do, he will most likely shoot you or smash your car ! Unfortunately, there are some powerful evil forces in this present day society who are using and abusing this so-called ‘inequality’ syndrome to further their own ideological and political ambitions .

    1. The indigenous people of Southern Africa are the San and Khoi Khoi not the Sub Saharan Bantu who originated in Cameroon and followed elephant tracks into Southern Africa over generations. The San ranged as far north as Tanzania and were wiped out and pushed into the south western Kalahari desert by the advancing Bantu. A lot of people don’t realise that including the Bantu who have conned the Wimpy West into thinking that they own Southern Africa….

    2. Hi Ian, thank you for the excellent post with RSA observatioins regarding sociology/mentality. Unfortunately, but nevertheless empirically true, RSA psychometric tests show low IQ in the population on average. Such a dynamic in a democracy produces bad leaders.

  3. Hi Will, thanks for another interesting read. I was in Centenary 1971 following up after the first farm attacks but never had time to visit the police station!! Unless you run the same risk as the unfortunate John Giles please publish “Perfidious Albion” as I believe as much publicity as possible should be given to the “Cock-ups” of the late 20th century

    1. Hi Irving, thanks for your kind comments. I certainly don’t believe, in Australia, I am in danger akin to the brave John Giles. I am also a lawyer and I’m delighted to hear that ex-Rhodesians honour courageous John Giles. I never knew John but the fact that MI5 murdered him at the Lancaster Hous Conference makes him a hero to me. His murder will remain a stone in my shoe. As far as Perfidious Albion is concerned, Hanna Wessells (my editer) and I have been in discussions for years. I am the weak-link. As ther Zen Master said, “we’ll see”.

  4. By far the best analysis on the current decline and dragging down of the West, particularly via the weapon of CRT, is by Douglas Murray. His book, The War on the West, will shock you, is essential reading. If you don’t read it at least Google him.

  5. Good commentary, Will.
    “Git” is a Pommie commie not an Azi expression as far as I know…..I’ve lived in both countries.
    George Fraud was a Fentanyl addict and was an accident waiting to happen and poor Derek Chauvin got landed with “murdering” him. Gotta feel sorry for Derek.

    1. Thanks Phil. I stand corrected re the word ‘Git’. My turn, it is George Floyd not Geporte Fraud LOL.

      1. Lots of “gits” in “Mudisland” which is why I remember the expression so well!!!!
        George Fraud died of a heart attack not of suffocation and poor Derek Chauvin was the sacrificial lamb…..

        1. Hi Phill, you are absolutely right. The murder trial and sentencing of Derek Chavin, after the ‘resistance of arrest’ struggles and subsequent ‘heart attack’ of George (saint) Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a travesty of justice. Unquestionably a racist backlash against an innocent policeman.

      2. Good day,
        This editorial is astute.

        Often other comments express mine, too.

        I recommend Kevin Jackson, Genesis Communications Network [GCN], starting with the 05th of January 2024, first hour, 20 minutes ahead and there is a logical female, I believe this in in the 1990’s, her name eludes me.

        On Patriot network there are Andy Slater, Breitbart, David Webb, Stacy on the Right, and Sonnies corner.

        I look forward to all of you informing us.


        1. Hi Clarence, thanks for the kind comment. Obviously I know Breitbart (Steve Bannon) but I will check out the others.
          I am happy to inform you that I predicted V.D. Vance to be the Vice-POTUS. I reckon I understand DJT better than most.

  6. Over 50 years ago Enoch Powell was branded as a racist for raising the issue of mass migration into the UK with the advent of air travel. He was ridiculed by American and British “experts” – who had not joined the army (Australian) in 1939 as a private (as Powell had) and ended up a a Brigadier commanding a Battalion by the end of the war. Powell pointed out that in The Empire – there were “British subjects” in all the colonies or dominions and race was never raised. The black/white race issue was an American thing. As a Professor of Classics at Sydney University at the age of 26 prior to the war – Powell was brave enough to raise uncontrolled immigration as a very real issue – and now fifty years on, his observations and predictions have been proved to be correct. Similarly Julian Greenfield of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Minister of Justice) took issue with the British Govt displaying double standards on the rule of law at the International Commission of Jurists on the Rule of Law in Africa, in Lagos, January 1961. Dare we say that Greenfield was also indeed correct – with Her Majesty’s Govt “knowing best” to press on through Carrington to install Mugabe in 1980 and then had the audacity to stage a second round in November 2017 for his understudy to take over? Only 10 million people face severe food shortages in Zimbabwe today.

    1. Many thanks Ntabenende. Is Ntabenende in Matabeleland? I reread your 26 April 2022 at 0.33 post to this news magazine. It reminded me of the stone lodged in my shoe and planted there by the British Government. Hannes Wessells had the same complaint and we undertook the research to dislodge our stones. In precis it was as stated in this article. Our ambitions of suing the British Government was halted. Oh yes! We were serious. The international betrayal of Rhodesia had more to do with exigent demands of ‘The City’ in London than anything else. High finance and African American delusions didn’t cross our minds during the Rhodesian Bush War, but they were the prime nemesis. I have written a book I call ‘Perfidious Albion’ that will not be published. I won’t publish it because few people will believe it and our shoe stones has been removed. We now live in peace.

    2. Agree.

      Often, I, too, listened to those who did not have the best interest of the people.

      Examples: Ross Poirot, Ron Paul, John Bergum, Governor Abbott.
      I do believe RFK, Jr. can get some accomplished works.

      Thank you

  7. Will
    I knew a Will Keys who was the BSAP station commander in Centenary in 1974,1975. Was this you? If it is, please let me know.

    1. Hi Richard, yes indeed I am the same Will Keys who served in Centenary. It was my unpleasant duty to sit in on the main JOC, as an observer, and watch the conduct of Operation Hurricane. I never missed a meeting in the two years. The experience convinced me that the Special Branch officers sent to sit on the JOC were as useful as tits on a bull. I realised that we were being betrayed. I surreptitiously got reports to the Prime Minister only to discover that my prime contact was murdered. Poor young lawyer John Giles was murdered by MI5 in London. Our mutual friend, was sent to ‘balance the ledger’ but was arrested in Holland.

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